Creativity Field Bubble Effect  

    After I wrote an article on the newsgroup about using Falun Gong as a potential instant adjudication tool for civil rights abuses, a highly advanced being told me that this was already being done.  This was done by mental contact.

    The being went on to tell me how to temporarily amplify the field by tapping the energy of inner space.  The process is as follows.

    Make two tiger claws with hands facing each other.  Rotate and alternate the claws back and forth, rapidly.  It appears each hand becomes a rotor, with each Fa rubbing against one another to tap the inner space field.

    As you know I cannot physically verify that I had contact.  One will have to test these directions when machines come forth, or use a Qigong Master's ability to sense the fields.

    Falun Gong itself acts as a powerful component for activating the psychic abilities of the person.  I have had other experiences with beings from other civilizations contacting my mind and giving me plans for inventions.  Maybe later I will expound when I feel that mankind is mature enough.

    The effect of tapping this field is to create a creative enrgy bubble in the localized room or area where you are.  This will help in the area of creative problem solving and related issues.