Example of giant Fa energy field over practitioners in NY
Energy Field over Ireland Practitioner
A Set of Practitioners, shows Fa Energy Field Above
Energy Field Right in Front of Falun Emblem in California
Features of the Fa Mechanism
1) "Falun is a miniature of the universe that possesses all of the universe’s capabilities, and it can operate and rotate automatically." -Li Hongzhi, p.28, Zhuan Falun
2) "While rotating clockwise, it can automatically absorb energy from the universe."
3) "When Falun rotates clockwise, it can collect the energy back since it rotates continuously." Therefore Falun is a self-generating, self perpetuating energy field.
4) "Also, it emits energy while rotating counter-clockwise, releasing undesirable elements that will disperse around your body. When it emits energy, the energy can be released to quite a distance, and then it will bring in new energy again."
"The universe is in motion, and all of the universe’s Milky Ways
and galaxies are also in motion. The nine planets orbit the sun, and Earth
also rotates by itself. Think about it, everyone: Who’s pushing them? Who
has given them the force? You cannot understand it with an ordinary person’s
mentality, as it is just this rotating mechanism. The same is also true
with our Falun, for it just rotates."
The term "Hydronautics" is defined
Connection Between Falun Gong information and the Hopi rock prophecy
The left side of the Hopi Rock Prophecy shows a Sun with a swastika inside it. I interpret this to be a prophetic portrayal of this new energy field being discovered at the end of the age, which is this age. This symbol in Chinese is called the "Wan" symbol and is associated with good luck. I believe the introduction of the art of Falun Gong is the answer to this prophecy.
The right side of the Hopi Rock shows a stairway to what appears to be "outer space" or "the heavens". To me, it appears that all this means that when the Fa is finally used as an energy source, we are able to explore the furthest reaches of space.
Free books,
lectures and videos
describing this spinning, self-generating intelligent plasma field can
be found here.
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