Experimental Specifications Log

Provided by Barry C. Bowser
90 Waverly Dr, LL209
Frederick, Maryland,  21702

1/22/02  Took bolted "engine" out into the sunlight for a first test.  Nothing, so I decided to run a test with 3 pieces of pyrite taped to the associated wires.  Partial success was achieved in smelling an "eau de parfume" roses.  Really, it smelled like roses or flowers.

"When left in the sun for a couple of hours, it gives off a peculiar odor. When smelled by holding your head over the top, it will send you into a sneezing fit that is very hard to control. "

    I left this device out in the sun for only a few minutes and it gave off the odor.  I wonder if certain rates can be achieved by having certain types of pyrite, eg. iron-Orme, silver-Orme, etc.

    There was not enough sunlight left after my last experiment (4:00PM) as I came back to modify the connections.  Here is a diagram of the new schematic.

Implications of this experiment:

1) There is less pyrite used than that I previously thought which makes the engine
2) lightweight, which is far superior to the Hamel device, and uses up
3) less room, thereby increasing the so called "real estate" and also makes the device
4) easier to fit on an actual scale up model craft and this also brings into view the fact that
5) Ormes is a higher density energy material than the magnets of the Hamel device or any known material of its kind.

This is only my initial evaluation.  Tomorrow I hope, will be a sunny day as today, and I will test the device again.

I was able to use transparent packing tape to tape the Orme/Pyrite to the wires.

1/21/02 Installed the cardboard backing, taped the secondaries and disconnected the primaries.  Please note the above schematic.  The three circles are the three bolts and nuts.  I will connect the primaries tomorrow or later today.  I assume the secondaries form a "wye", which is reflected in the schematic.

    Later on that day, in the evening, I placed the holes in the cardboard for the 3 primary wires.  I had difficulty taping the primary wires to the pyrite, so I tucked them under the cardboard.  I will try and get something to attach the wires soon.

    It is curious I felt an energy vibration at the earlier stage when all the wires were connected in a short circuit.  I did not feel a vibration this time.  I hope to do my first tests in the sunlight tomorrow.

1/18/02  Decided to redraw initial schematics to provide the new schematic.
Will construct the device to tap the g-Orme/pyrite like a galena just like the Hinthorne Device directions.  Still questioning whether to place the primaries on the same cores as the secondaries.  The author says "wires" so I don't even think it should be 30 turns.  It should be about 1 turn at most.  This reminds me of the patents of Cornelis M.G. Zwarts of Canada.  I will explain later, but he mentioned shortening the electron paths.  g-Orme sections O1-O3 have their free electrons heated by the Sun.  I want the highest voltage to be from the center to the periphery, therefore L4-L6 contain the highest resistance for the largest voltage drop.

As the Hinthorne report teaches:

"The idea is to place the 3 secondary coils within a circle of the 3 primary wires and attach the wire ends of each to iron pyrite located within the 3 secondary coils. For this you will need a circular plate to hold the 3 coils in place and posts placed around the edge of the plate to hold the 3 primary wires."

When he says the "circle of 3 primary wires", he portrays a delta.  I believe I can keep the pyrite in one piece instead of 3 but I will need the "posts", which I will substitute with holes in the cardboard backing.

1/17/02 Acquired correct size bolt.  Finished connecting the coils.  Will mount pyrite and coils on cardboard support tomorrow.
There arises the question of whether the primaries should have been wound on the same aluminum sheets as the secondaries are mounted on.

Noticed same effect of device emitting an energy field I can detect in the spiritual state of Fa.

1/16/02  Secondaries: Wound 400 turns of 24 gauge magnet wire each on 3 aluminum sheets 10" long by 2" diameter.
Primaries: wound 30 turns of 14 gauge stranded wire separately from secondaries.  Drilled 3/8" holes approx 6" apart on pyrite sheet.
Placed bolts and nuts to connect primaries and secondaries, noticed one bolt was less than 3/8.  Stopped construction.

Using the Falun Gong "Fa" I sensed that the device was emitting a form of energy that I detected in the spiritual realm.  This is quite an effect, but I will need another person trained in Falun Gong to verify.