Provided by Barry C. Bowser
90 Waverly Dr, LL209
Frederick, Maryland, 21702
Just before I left the Patent & Trademark Office, I was contacted a different alien race than during just after the time my Mobius Diode Coil power generator was published in Dr. Seike's book, The Principles of Ultra-Relativity, ten years ago. These beings wore white robes and had luminous skin color.
I was contacted mentally by these beings and the other beings. The other beings had a red skin color and gave me a mental image of why such a device was necessary on their world. You see, they lived on a planet that had an immense amount of rock barriers which were obstacles that impeded ordinary linear motion, so they needed a teleporter to perform daily mundanities.
I can verify this because they contacted my sister (who is now a physicist) mentally on Christmas day and she was given the same internal 8 phase design.
I suppose this diagram, which I put together, is actually a diagram of a Vogel crystal made of solid gold glass ORME. The transparent gold ORME will be necessary, and the chemical purification of the raw mineral sheets will be needed to build this device.
Notice the geometry still uses the Seike rotating electrical field, but this time the field is focused inwards towards a single implosive point. I have drawn the BiConical space fold vortex which the device produces. Operation is such, the oscillation of initial random plasma is encoded with a visual image of the destination point. This device can process the image and link the geographic coordinates much in the same way a remote viewer is able to do. The even phase oscillation is reverse the Nyquist criterion of Seike's odd phases, therefore the oscillation will accellerate as time progresses, beyond the theoretical limit, and since the gold glass is a 2-dimensional quantum Josephson resonator, the Josephson effect should speed up the oscillation. Plasma is confined and rotated to the point where space implodes, and the biConical vortex taps the geographic location which is stored in the image processor (the piece of glass). Each junction is really a "PlasmaStat", which statistically regulates the nature and behavior of the space vortex.
Here is a picture of how the Vogel shape produces a dense bank of optical transistors due to the reflection of lines of light. This also produces the slight voltage electrical polarization Vogel mentioned in his lectures. I have omitted alot of the lines here that would show the massive amount of optical transistors which are formed. I have done this to show only one transistor.
The slight polarization acts as the initial high voltage battery for starting the initial rotation of the plasma.
Again, I want to stress that this is not positive teleportation, the
biConical space vortex produces a Negative Space Transition and taps Negative
The distance between the source and the target becomes zero through
negative space as the transfer medium.