
    I have always been interested in electronics, science and technology, and the paranormal since a little child.
I have a BSc in Electronics Engineering from Norfolk State University, 1991, Norfolk, Virginia.  I previously attended Texas A&M University.

    My father worked for 30 years as an Aerospace Engineer with NASA, and worked on various programs including the Space Shuttle Program.

    When I was 16 years old, I told the late astronaut Ron McNair I would build an antigravity space propulsion engine, and this shocked him.  Mc Nair died on the Challenger accident in 1986.  McNair was a freind of the family and lived in the same neighborhood.

    I am a Native American, Afro-American (with Cuban), Caucasian, and Asian (Mongolian and possibly Phillipino).

    I worked for the US Patent & Trademark Office from 1993-1997 as Patent Examiner.  Go to  delphion and enter Barry C. Bowser as the search term to view all the patents I prosecuted to grant.

    I practice Falun Gong, which is Chinese for Spinning Vortex, and Light produced by that vortex energy.  I and my family have had strange experiences with Falun Gong practice.

    I am 34 years old, and single.  I used to smoke, but Falun Gong and Nicorette Gum eliminated that behavior.

    I have read the Book of Mormon, and think its true, that American Indians are Jews, however, I believe we are also related to the Mongolians who walked across the Bering Strait.  Yes, I am a Mormon, but I love to drink cold brew iced tea and own a Braun Cappuccino machine which I use regularly.  I feel that God created coffee and tea to enjoy, unlike the conventional Mormon doctrine.

    I do not have the "skills" that employers want, as an electrical engineer.  I do not trust conventional dogma because the white man has warped the view of history and assumes he is superior to the races. I suppose that this warping of history is a form of self-serving justification so that the white race can continue in the unfair distribution of resources and social irresponsibity (crimes).  Whereas the white race has often exclaimed that the minorities and poor are a burden, both I and the extraterrestrials have enough experience to know that the white man is the actual "burden" on society.

    Whereas the white race and its media continually show african americans ( and now even extraterrestrials) as criminals, one should be responsible of the higher crimes such as the denial of property, opportunity and education which eventually leads to the stresses which produce the crime.  Christ said that to sin was wrong, but it is the person who caused the man to sin who eventually receives the blame.  My family comes from the deep south, an area where the whites say they love the bible, but have leaders such as the ultra-racist Strom Thurmond.  It has always perplexed me how they say they love Jesus, but deny us and others opportunities to live at least a passable life.

    This mistrust has made me curious in the matter of studying whatever unconventional thinking I can gather.  Employers want conventional people who think "in the box" and who "conform".  I, however, have been constantly on the search for breakthroughs in every aspect of life as well.  In essence, I have employed myself in all practicality.  I think my disclosure of  identity is very timely given the testimony offered by extraterrestrial contactees.  It seems that the advanced civilizations of other planets also do not trust the conventional earth thought and sociality (which is led by the white property owners).

    Because I would rather not participate in todays engineering practices, I have temporarily excluded myself from the circuit of employment and currently receive disability as a schizophrenic.  It seems that the psychological/psychiatric experts say I have delusions.  It is interesting that the motives behind the delusions are all related to civil rights.  In addition, because I do not view the same reality that my employers do, I am also poor in material resources, but with the advent of the existence of "immaterial radiation", I feel that I can always produce "something" from "nothing" from the OmniCreativity (God), therefore I need very little resources to accomplish my life's mission.