My mother noticed after her first time practicing
Falun Gong excercises that a black substance was oozing out of her ears
and she had temporary hearing losses.
After a few days her hearing went back to normal. In the book
by Dean, Morganthaler and Fawkes, they label this substance as a substance
which is found in the brains of the elderly called lipofuscin. Lipofuscin
is considered to be a harmful element of the brain. If Falun Gong
causes the body to rectify all abnormalities such as this substance, I
think everyone should learn this art.
I have been noticing that I am able to communicate and share thoughts with Falun Gong practitioners all over the world, as well as having instances where I have communicated with advanced extraterrestrial beings for example, on a simple method of amplifying the creativity field of inner space.