David Hudson's Patent - Part II
This invention relates to themonoatomic forms of certain transition and noble metal elements, namely, gold, silver, copper, cobalt, nickel and the six platinum group elements. More particularly, this invention relates to the separation of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements from naturally occurring materials in their orbitally rearranged monoatomic forms, and to the preparation of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements in their orbitally rearranged monoatomic forms from theircommercial metallic forms. The materials of this invention are stable, substantially pure, non-metallic-like forms of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements, and have a hereto unknown electron orbital rearrangement in the "d", "s", and vacant "p" orbitals. The electron rearrangement bestows upon the monoatomic elements unique electronic, chemical, magnetic, and physical properties which have commercial application.
This invention also relates to the recovery of the metallic form of each of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements from the orbitally rearranged monoatomic forms. For the purposes of this application, the following definitions shall apply: transition elements ("T-metals") means the metallic or cationic form of gold, silver, copper, cobalt and nickel, and the six platinum group elements, i.e., platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and osmium; and "ORME" means the Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elemental forms of each of the T- metals.
Inorganic chemists working with soluble salts of noble metals until relatively recently have assumed that the metals were dissolved as free ions in aqueous solutions.In the 1960's, with the advent of greater analytical capabilities, it was established that many elements and in particular the transition metals are present in aqueous solutions as metal-metal bonded clusters of atoms.
Gold metal that has been dissolved with aqua regia, and subsequently converted to gold chloride by repeated evaporation with HCl to remove nitrates, is commonly referred to as the acid chloride solution of AuCl3 or HAuCl4. It has been recognized that the recovery of gold metal from a solution formed from aqua regia is made more difficult in proportion to the amount of HNO3 used in the initial dissolution procedures. It is not commonly understood, however, why the gold that is dissolved with less HNO3 is easier to reduce to the metal from a chloride solution than gold that is dissolved using a greater amount of HNO3. Gold in both solutions is generally regarded as being present in the form of a free gold cation.
It is now recognized by most chemists who regularly handle chlorides of gold that gold metal ceases to disaggregate when the HNO3 is removed and in fact can reaggregate under certain conditions and precipitate out of HCl solutions as metal. This recognition has led to the discovery that gold metal salts will exist in HCl solutions originating from metals as clusters of Au2Cl6, Au3Cl9, Au4Cl12, up to Au33Cl99. These cluster salts are actually in solution with the HCl and water, and will require different chemical procedures relative to purification problems or oxidation-reduction reactions, depending on the degree of clustering.
>Specifically, reduction of clusters of gold having greater than 11 atoms of metal is easily performed since the atoms themselves are spaced from each other in the salt similar to their spacing in the metal itself before dissolution. Reduction of the chloride salt to the metal, therefore, requires a simple reductive elimination of the chlorides that are attached to the metal cluster. It is now known that recovery of precious metals from aqueous solutions is much more difficult when the cluster size becomes smaller and smaller, or in actuality when the metal is better "dissolved."
From the study of the behavior of gold and other transition metals in solution, it is now believed that all such metals have atomic aggregations and occur as at least diatoms under normal conditions of dissolution . Under either acid or strong base dissolution, the transition metal will not normally dissolve beyond the diatom due to the extremely strong interatomic d and s orbital bonding. A gold atom, for example, has a single atom electron orbital configuration of d10s1. When the gold salts originate from a metal having gold-gold bonding, the salts contain very tightly bound diatoms or larger clusters of gold. Under the normal aqueous acid chemistry used for transition metals, solutions of the metals will always contain two or tore atoms in the cluster form.
When instrumental analysis such as atomic absorption, x-ray fluorescence, or emission spectroscopy is performed on solutions containing transition metals, these analyses are based on electronic transitions. The fact that d orbital electron overlap occurs in the metal-metal bonded salt allows an analysis of many of the same characteristic omissions as the metal itself.
During efforts to effect quantitative analytical separations of transition metals from naturally occurring materials, it was discovered that ORMEs exist naturally and are found in salts with alkali metals and/or alkaline earth metals, all of which are coupled with waters of hydration and normally found with silica and alumina. ORMEs are also often associated with sulfides and other mineral compositions.
ORMEs may also, it was discovered, be prepared from commercially available T-metals. For ease of description the invention will be primarily described by the preparation of a gold ORME ("G-ORME") from commercially available metallic yellow gold.
The atoms of each ORME do not have d electron orbital overlap as do their corresponding T-metal clusters. ORMEs do not, therefore, exhibit the same characteristic emissions of their corresponding T-metal when subjected to analysis by instruments which depend upon electronic transitions. ORMEs must, therefore, be identified in new ways, ways which have heretofore not been used to identify T-metals.
An aqua regia solution of metallic gold is prepared. This solution contains clusters of gold chlorides of random size and degrees of aggregation. HCl is added to the solution and it is repeatedly evaporated with a large excess of NaCl (20:1 moles Na to moles Au) to moist salts. The addition of NaCl allows the eventual formation of NaAuCl4, after all HNO3 is removed from the solution. The sodium, like gold, has only one unpaired S electron and, accordingly, tends to form clusters of at least two atoms. The sodium, however, does not d orbitally overlap the gold atom as it has no d electrons, resulting in a surface reaction between the sodium ATOMS and the gold atoms. This results in a weakening of the gold-gold cluster stability and causes the eventual formation of a sodium-gold linear bond with a weakened d orbital activity in the individual gold atoms. The sodium-gold compound, formed by repeated evaporation to salts, will provide a chloride of sodium-gold. In these salts the sodium and gold are believed to be charged positive, i.e., have lost electrons: and the chlorine is negative, i.e., has gained electrons. When the salts are dissolved in water and the pH slowly adjusted to neutral, full equation of the sodium-gold diatom will slowly occur and chloride is removed from the complex. Chemical reduction of the sodium-gold solution results in the formation of a sodium auride. Continued aquation results in disassociation of the gold atom from the sodium and the eventual formation of a protonated auride of gold as a gray precipitate. Subsequent annealing produces the G-ORME. The G-ORME has an electron rearrangement whereby it acquires a d orbital hole or holes which share energy with an electron or electrons. This pairing occurs under the influence of a magnetic field external to the field of the electrons.
G-ORMEs are stable and possess strong interatomic repulsive magnetic forces, relative to their attractive forces. G-ORME stability is demonstrated by unique thermal and chemical properties. The white saltlike material that is formed from G-ORMEs after treatment with halogens, and the white oxide appearing material formed when G-ORMEs are treated with fuming HClO4 or fuming H2SO4 are dissimilar from the T-metal or its salts. The G-ORME will not react with cyanide, will not be dissolved by aqua regia, and will not wet or amalgamate with mercury. It also does not sinter at 800C under reducing conditions, and remains an amorphous powder at 1200C. These characteristics are contrary to what is observed for metallic gold and/or gold cluster salts. G-ORMEs require a more negative potential than -2.45v to be reduced, a potential that cannot be achieved with ordinarily known aqueous chemistry.
The strong interatomic repulsive forces are demonstrated in that the G-ORMEs remain as a powder at 1200C. This phenomenon results from canceling of the normal attractive forces arising from the net interaction between the shielded, paired electrons and the unshielded, unpaired s and d valence electrons. G-ORMEs have no unpaired valence electrons and, therefore, tend not to aggregate as would clusters of gold which have one or more unpaired valence electrons.
G-ORMEs can be reconverted to metallic gold from which they were formed. This reconversion is accomplished by an oxidation rearrangement which removes all paired valence electrons together with their vacancy pair electrons, with a subsequent refilling of the d and s orbitals with unpaired electrons until the proper configuration is reached for the T- metal.
This oxidation rearrangement is effected by subjecting the G-ORME to a large negative potential in the presence of an electron-donating element, such as carbon, thus forming a metallic element-carbon chemical bond. For that metal-carbon bond to occur the carbon must provide for the horizontal removal of the d orbital vacancy of the ORME. The carbon acts like a chemical fulcrum. When the element-carbon bond is reduced by way of further decreasing the potential, the carbon receives a reducing electron and subsequently vertically inserts that reducing electron below the s orbitals of the element, thus forming metallic gold.
The above general description for the preparation of G-ORME from commercially available metallic gold is applicable equally for the preparation of the remaining ORMEs, except for the specific potential energy required and the use of nascent nitrogen (N) rather than carbon to convert the other ORMEs to their constituent metallic form. The specific energies range between -1.8 V and -2.5 V depending on the particular element. Alternatively this rearrangement can be achieved chemically by reacting NO gas with the T-metal ORMEs other than gold. Nitric oxide is unique in that it possesses the necessary chemical potential as well as the single unpaired electron.
T-metals can possess an electron rearrangement between the d and s orbitals as seen from FIGURE 1 of the drawing which plots the principal quantum number versus the atomic number. The boxed areas designated A, B, and C establish that the 3d electron energies of copper and cobalt are very close to the same energy level as the 4s electron energies. The 4d electron energies of silver and rhodium are almost identical to the 5s; orbital energies, and the 5d gold and iridium electron energies are approaching the 6s level energies. The proximity of the energy bands of the T-metals makes them unique with respect to other elements. This proximity allows an easier transition to their lowest energy state, as hereinafter described.
When two transition metal atoms are bound together, they can d bond, or s bond, or they can d and s bond. When the two atoms s bond, their atomic distances are further apart and, therefore, their density is lower than when there is both d and s bonding. The amount of d orbital bonding activity is in direct proportion to the cluster size. Therefore, a single atom cluster will have less d bonding activity and more s bonding activity than will a cluster of 7 or more atoms. In addition; the chemical stability of the smaller clusters is much less than that of the metal because, when d orbital bonding is achieved, the s bonding is made more stable by overlapping of the two energy levels.
It is known that there exists a critical size, in the range of 3-20 atoms, for Pd II, Ag I and Au III, by way of example, which is necessary for metal deposition from solution. As the number of atoms in the T-metal cluster decreases through continuous evaporation in the presence of NaCl, the solution becomes a solution of diatoms which in the case of gold is represented as Au- 1 - Au+1 i.e., Au-1 bonded to Au+1. The rationale for this representation of a gold diatom is based upon the fact that a single gold atom has an odd spin electron, as does rhodium, iridium, gold, cobalt and copper of the T-metals. In a diatom of gold, the two odd spin electrons will be found on one of the two atoms but not both. Thus, a diatom of gold is made by a bond between an aurous (Au+1) atom and an auride (Au-1) atom.
The present invention enables the breaking of the diatom bond by introducing a more electro-positive element, such as sodium or any alkali or alkaline earth elements, which does not have a d orbital overlap capability. This element replaces the aurous (Au+1) forming, in this case, a sodium auride. In effect, the sodium weakens the d orbital overlapping energies between the atoms of the gold diatom as well as elevating a d orbital electron towards the s orbital, thereby creating a negative potential on the surface of the atom. This negative potential enables an interreaction of the s orbital with chemiabsorbed water through electron donation and reception.
The sodium auride, when in aqueous solution at or near neutral pH, will form sodium hydroxide and a monomeric water-soluble auride. The monomeric auride (Au-1) is unstable and seeks a lower energy state which is represented by a partial filling of the d and s orbital". This lower energy state with its greater stability is achieved by the electron-donating and removing capability of H2O.
Water can act to remove electrons. Water molecules possess a net charge and attach to each other in vertical clusters so that an 18 molecule water cluster can hold a cumulative potential of -2.50 V. The potential of a water molecular cluster, at near neutral pH, is sufficient to remove an electron from the d orbital and create a positive hole, enabling a pairing between opposite spin electrons from the d to s orbitals to take place. The existence of the electron pairing is confirmed by infrared analysis, illustrated in FIGURE 4, which identities the vibrational and rotational motions caused by energy exchange between these two mirror image electrons.
Attempting to quantify the number of electrons remaining in an ORME is extremely difficult due to the electrons lost to oxidation, thermal treatment, and the inability, except from theory, to quantify electron pairs using electron quanta. It is established, however, that the ORME does not have valence electrons available for standard spectroscopic analysis such as atomic absorption, emission spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Moreover, x-ray fluorescence or x-ray diffraction spectrometry will not respond the same as they do with T-metals in standard analysis. The existence of an ORME, while not directly identifiable by the aforesaid standard analyses, can be characterized by infrared (IR) spectra by a doublet which represents the bonding energy of the electron pairs within the ORME. The doublet is located at approximately 1427 and 1490 cm-1 for a rhodium ORME. The doublet for the other ORMEs is between about 1400 and 1600 cm-1
After H2 reduction of the individual monoatom the hydrogen ion-single element may or may not produce an IR doublet depending on the element's normal electron configuration. Elements normally containing an s1 T-metal configuration do not produce an IR doublet after H2 reduction. Elements with an s2 T- metal configuration such as Ir (d7s2) will produce a doublet.
Thermal annealing to 800C and subsequent cooling to ambient temperature under He or Ar gas atmosphere to remove thechemically bound proton of hydrogen will produce ORMEs which contain a two-level system resulting from electron pairing within the individual atom. If this annealing is performed in the absence of an external magnetic field, then the electron pairing produces the characteristic doublets. The electron pair will be bound in the valence orbitals of the atom. If the annealing is performed in the presence of an external magnetic field, including the earth's magnetic field, quantum electron pair movement can be produced and maintained in the range of one gauss up to approximately 140 gauss in the case of Ir and, therefore, no IR doublet will be detected in this resulting quantum state.