[ Discovery · White Powder Gold · Q&A · Workshop-1 · Workshop-2 ]
Transcript of a February 1995 introductory lecture and workshop by David Hudson in Dallas Texas. Transcribed from the video tapes which were recorded by The Eclectic Viewpoint on February 10 and 11, 1995. The video tapes are available from:
The Eclectic Viewpoint
P.O. Box 802735
Dallas, Texas 75380
Contact hot line (214) 601-7687
The video tapes have readable pictures of all of the documents that Hudson references. The serious student of these subjects will find these tapes are worth obtaining. The package of three video tapes costs $69.95 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling.
Items in [parentheses] were added by the editor of this transcript.
Note: This has been further edited and broken into smaller pieces for HTML at monatomic.earth.com. The editorial notes mentioned above were added by the previous editor.
Ah, I want to thank Cheyenne for the introduction. I have learned now that you just don't tell her everything, because she repeats everything. Ah, in her newsletter I teased her because it looked like she was telling the whole story in the newsletter and it's much more enjoyable to hear if you, if you hear it as I learned it. I think it has much more meaning and now she's kind of given away a lot of what it's all about. But, ah....
Basically this is the story of my quest for this material. To get an understanding of it, to be able to explain what it is. And my work began in this area for all the wrong reasons. I did not understand what I was doing. And I don't need it. Ah, I didn't understand what the material was and it's only in the last four or five years that I've really come to an understanding, understanding truly of what the material really is. But basically the work began about 1975-76, and my primary interest for getting into this area is, was, like I say, for all the wrong reasons.
I am from Phoenix, Arizona. My father is the ex-commissioner of agriculture in the state of Arizona. My mother is the, was the state Republican's woman chairman. We're ultra-ultra right-wing conservative. Very, very ultra conservative people. All of my farming was done on a handshake basis. I even farmed 2,500 acres on a handshake with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and that's the federal government and no one farms with the federal government on a handshake and a verbal agreement but I did.
Our family is very, very conservative, very highly regarded in the community. All my vehicles have the keys in the vehicles right now. I'm here and they're there. Ah, we just... it's a very small community just outside of Phoenix where, you know, everyone knows everybody. Everybody knows the people going down the road. There just is no theft. There is no break-ins because we'll hunt you down, find out who did it, and we'll get it back.
Anyway, when I became involved in this my thinking was to mine and process gold and silver to create a hard currency. I was very disillusioned with the federal government's approach to our currency. They were devaluing the dollar, issuing this funny money, what they called federal reserve notes which I'm sure most of you people are aware of. They were not backed by gold and silver and as you make more and more of these dollars they continue to devalue these dollars and you think you are making more money, but in fact all you are doing is moving into a higher tax bracket and paying more and more income tax. And so you have less and less even though you are making more and more. And you come home and tell your wife, "well I got this 20 percent raise" or 10 percent raise and she says, "I got a 5 percent raise", but in fact you are making less money and not living as well as your parents lived. And they can tell us we're all living better and that we're getting all these wonderful figures but the numbers lie. We are not really living better. All of us are living worse than our parents lived as a people. There are exceptions to that in Dallas, but most of the country it's true.
Anyway, I began buying gold and silver in the Phoenix area as bullion from refiners. Most of it was being refined from sterling silver scrap or electronic scrap. But, ah, a lot of the gold was coming from miners who were processing it by a process called "heap leach cyanide recovery". And they were heap leaching, um, these old tailings on these mining operations. I became very intrigued with this because we were very interested, in agriculture, in metal salts in our soils. I don't know, I think that here in Dallas it's much the same or further on west in the state, it's much the same as Arizona. We have a sodium problem in our soil. It's called "black alkali" and as the black alkali builds up in your soil you can put sulfuric acid on the soil and the sodium, which makes up the black alkali, becomes sodium sulfate, which is a white alkali. And then is water soluble and will leach out of your soil then. If you don't do this your soil is very oily and the water just won't penetrate and be retained by the soil and it's not very good for your crops.
And so we had been doing soils analysis and this concept of, of literally piling ore up on a piece of plastic and spraying it with a cyanide solution, which dissolves selectively the gold out of the ore. It trickles down through the ore until it hits the plastic and then runs out the plastic and into the settling pond. It's pumped up through activated charcoal where the gold adheres to the charcoal and then the solution is returned back to the stack. And the concept seemed pretty simple, and I decided, you know, a lot of farmers have airplanes, a lot of farmers have race horses, a lot farmers have race cars... I decided I was going to have a gold mine. And, I had earth movers and water trucks and road graders and backhoes and caterpillars and these kind of things on the farm and I had equipment operators, and so I decided I was going to set up one of these heap leach cyanide systems.
I traveled all over the state of Arizona, took about a year and a half, and I finally settled on a piece of property. And, ah, did some analysis and all and decided that this was the property that had the gold in it that I wanted to recover. I set up a heap leach cyanide system, began spraying the ore, and sure enough within a matter of a couple days, we hooked it up to the activated charcoal. And we analyzed the solution going in the charcoal. We analyzed the solution coming out of the charcoal and we were loading gold on the charcoal. And, you know, everything is just rosy. We're having a high old time. And I figured I could lose 50 percent per year mining gold and be as well off as buying the gold and paying taxes at 50 percent on the, on the profit with buying the gold. So, if other people had to mine gold and make a living, I could mine gold and lose 50 percent, and be as well off as making the money, paying income tax and buying gold with it. So I figured, hey, I ought to be able to do that.
So, what happened is, ah, we began recovering the gold and silver and we would take the charcoal down to our farm. We'd strip it with hot cyanide and sodium hydroxide. We'd run it through "electro winning cell". We'd get the gold out on the "electro winning cell". And then we would do what's called a "fire assay" where you run it through a crucible reduction, cupelling, and get this gold and silver "xxxx" bead. Now I am not going to elaborate on all this because I am not trying to teach anybody "fire assaying". I am just trying to explain the procedures here. This is the time honored procedure for recovering gold and silver and basically, its been performed for 250-300 years. It's the accepted standard in the industry.
[11:24] Ah, after we recovered this gold and silver for a couple of weeks, we began to recover something else. And the something else was recovering as if it's gold and silver but it wasn't gold and silver. Our beads of gold and silver were actually getting to the point that you could hit them with a hammer and they would shatter. Now there's no alloy of gold and silver that will become that brittle. Gold and silver are both very soft metals and they don't alloy in any proportion that would cause them to become hard or brittle. Yet this became very hard and brittle. When we sent it to the standard laboratories for analysis, all they could detect was gold and silver with traces, and just traces, of copper. Something was recovering with the gold and silver. We couldn't explain. And eventually it got so much of this in our recovery system that actually we were losing gold and silver when we recovered this other material. And so, you know, it wasn't supposed to be profitable, it's just supposed to be something that was interesting.
And so I said, "Shut the system down. You know, let's find out what the problem material really is". And chemically we were able to separate the "problem material" from the gold and silver and I had this sample of pure problem stuff, whatever it was. And you have to understand my background is cotton farming. I did take pre-law, decided to go into agriculture but I hated chemistry, I hated physics, like most of you. And ah, I decided, well heck, you know if you just pay enough money to the right experts, you can hire enough Ph.D's, you'll be able to figure this problem out. So I went to Cornell University, where a man had written these papers on doing x-ray analysis and he took the sample of the problem material, which wouldn't dissolve in any acids or bases, as separated. It was cobalt blue in color. And he did an analysis on it and he told me it was iron silica and aluminum. I said it's not iron silica and aluminum. He said, "Well sorry that's what the analysis says it is". So, working within Cornell, we removed all of the iron, all the silica and all the aluminum from the sample. We still had over 98 percent of the sample.
At this point he said, "Dave, it analyzes to be nothing". (audience laughter)
He said, "Mr. Hudson, if you'll give us a $350,000 grant, we'll put graduate students to working on it". Well I had paid him about $12,000 thus far. He told me he could analyze anything down to parts per billion and now he's telling me I had pure nothing. He didn't offer to refund any of my money and so I said, "No thank you, I think for $350,000 I can get more information than you can". That was about 1981 and basically I embarked on a research program of my own. Most of the information that directed me initially was just hearsay. The old time miners, the people who's dads had mined in Arizona, who's grandfather's had mined said, "Dave, what you're working with is the platinum group elements". There's been hundreds of people who believe the platinum group elements are there. Many of them are incarcerated in jail right now. Ah, they go out, they believe the elements are there, and so they go to investors and they say, you know, "We think they're there, so put this money in", and the people put the money in. A couple years later they don't have any salable commercial product and so the investment collapses and the investor sues them. And eventually they are convicted or exonerated but it always ends up in bitter feelings.
[15:30] And so I said, you know, "I am not going to allow this to happen with this project. I'm going to fund the thing myself and I am going to get the answers to it". I mean this is 1981-82. We had instrumentation and machines that will analyzes down to parts per billion. You know, this has to have some explanation to it. Ah, the man at Cornell, he could show me the atoms, he could tell me how far apart they were, but he said the emission and absorption spectra does not agree with any spectra that we have programmed into our machine. There are no specific lines emitting or absorbing that we can identify. I mean, had about 8 different x-ray heads on, and the control panel looked like a 747 control panel. It's huge and you just sit in this big swivel chair and runs all these buttons and it was pretty impressive but it didn't give me any of the answers.
So, I was handed a book called 'The Analytical Chemistry of the Platinum Group Elements' by Ginsberg. It was written in 1975. It was translated into English by the Israeli Program For Scientific Translation. And this book, it's probably about 2 1/2 inches thick, it's a hard bound technical book, put out by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Now when you realize that Johnson Matthey and Englehard are the two miners and refiners of the Platinum group elements in South Africa. The other miners and refiners are the Russian government. The Russians basically got into this after 1918 when they threw, the, Johnson Matthey, out of their country, because they were, the British were married to their royal family, and they had a deal going where royalties were being paid to them for the mining of their platinum group elements. And so, the Russian government in 1918 committed to develop this separation chemistry for these elements.
Basically these elements were not all that important until about world war two and then they became very strategically important. Right now they're classified as strategic elements and any important government contracts that are issued, they're classified under strategic classification. So you don't use them unless you absolutely have to because they are so valuable and so rare. They use them like.... iridium is used on the nose-cone of the re-entry vehicle on the space shuttle. It's used on the hydrogen rocket shields that deflect the heat shield on the hydrogen because it's a very high temperature ceramic. It's used in the breaker circuitry on the nuclear power plants where they have to disconnect the power, reconnect it, and they needs something that can stand tremendous arcs and not deteriorate. You know, these kinds of uses where nothing else will work.
And so basically, what happened is, according to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, they said that to analyze for these elements by emission spectroscopy, you'd have to do a procedure called fractional vaporization where you literally put the powders to be analyzed on the carbon electrode and you burn it for 300 seconds. Well, to do this you have to put an inert gas, a shielding gas, around the carbon electrode so that the air doesn't get to it, otherwise in 15-20 seconds the carbon electrode oxidizes away. And so we put this sheathing gas under it and did these long burn times. Now according to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the scientific group in the Soviet Union, during the first 15-20 seconds, all of the junk, or all of the iron, silica and aluminum would read, but it wouldn't be until 70 seconds that the palladium begins to read. After another 15-20 seconds, depending on how much palladium, then the, I believe it's, ah, I believe it's platinum will read, then after the platinum, then ruthenium, then after ruthenium, then rhodium, then after rhodium, then iridium, then after iridium, then osmium. I'm not absolutely sure that's exactly the order, I may have a couple of them reversed, but the concept was that they come off in the sequence of their boiling temperatures.
Now this seemed pretty simple to me to understand. Because if you want to boil alcohol out of water, you know, you just warm it to the boiling temperature of alcohol, the water stays there and the alcohol is distilled out. And it's not until all the alcohol is out that then the heat begins to build up in the water. And so, when you begin to understand that the boiling temperature of iron, the actual boiling temperature of iron, is to water like the boiling temperature of iron .... there's as much differential between the boiling temperature of iron and water, as there is between the boiling temperature of iron and the boiling temperature of these elements.
These elements boil at about 5,200-5,300 degrees Centigrade. Iron boils at about 3,700 degrees Centigrade and water, of course, boils at 100 degrees Centigrade. So, if you have water in your sample, the sample doesn't get any hotter than the boiling temperature of the water, until all the water is gone. And then the temperature really goes up, until you hit the next boiling temperature, which would be iron basically, and until all that iron is gone, the heat isn't going to go higher than the boiling temperature of iron. The maximum temperature of the DC arc is about 5,400-5,500 degrees Centigrade and we require about 5,300 degrees Centigrade to boil these elements. And so as you can see, it isn't until all the impurities are out of the sample and the arc is sitting here, and burn, burn, burn, burn and build up heat, and build up heat, and build up heat on this material that you're going to finally achieve the temperature where you really can read these elements.
And sure enough, exactly in the sequence, and exactly as the Soviet Academy of Sciences said, these elements began to read. They came off in the sequence, exactly in the order and exactly as they were supposed to come off. There's palladium, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and osmium. And at the time I didn't even know what iridium was. I didn't know what rhodium was. I mean, gosh, I'm just a dirt farmer. But, come to find out rhodium's a very valuable material. Rhodium is, is a, been up as high as $13,000 an ounce in the last couple years. It's the stuff that's in your catalytic converter, that if it isn't there your catalytic converter can't work. You're all told that you have platinum in there but there has to be at least 13 percent rhodium or it can't work. Because the platinum poisons with carbon monoxide and it's the rhodium that prevents it from poisoning. And when the South Africans were having the trouble with their mines down there, rhodium went to $13,000 per ounce because the automobile manufacturer's cannot sell their cars without a catalytic converters. And so the orders went, buy some rhodium, whatever it takes. We can't have our cars coming off the assembly lines and not be able to sell them because they don't have catalytic converters on them.
[22:39] Okay, it's a material that nothing else will do what it does. The only thing is, the numbers we were reading, and we did these studies for 2 1/2 years, the numbers were 4-6 ounces per ton of palladium, 12-13 ounces per ton of platinum, 150 ounces per ton of osmium, 250 ounces per ton of ruthenium, I mean, yeah, ruthenium, 800 ounces per ton of iridium, and 1,200 ounces per ton of rhodium. Now when you understand that the best known deposit in the world, to date, is approximately 1/3 of one ounce per ton in South Africa, and they have to go 1/2 mile underground to mine a 30 inch seam that contains this 1/3 of one ounce of all the platinum group elements. And we have over 2,400 ounces per ton of platinum group elements. Now if this had just been 5 or 6 ounces per ton I probably would have laid it down and walked away from it. But because the numbers were so preposterous, so ridiculous, so unbelievable, I said, you know, "Let's go for it. Let's find out what really is going on".
We're talking about 12-14 percent of this rock was these elements. I said, you know, "This, this has to have an explanation. There has to be a reason why nobody's ever found this material. Nobody's ever understood it."
So I went to a Ph.D. analytical chemist in Phoenix who was supposedly the best that Arizona had. He was a Ph.D. analytical chemist, a graduate of Iowa State University, with a specialty in metal separation systems. He had worked for Sperry and Motorola and all these electronic firms doing waste water treatment. I told him the story about the spectroscopy work that we did for these three years and he said, "You know Mr. Hudson, I've heard the story about the platinum group elements all of my life. I'm a native Arizonan also." But he said, "All I have to sell is my reputation and this makes me very nervous because of the frauds and the promotions and all". And he said, "Tell you what I'll do, I'll work for you at no charge. I won't charge you like everybody else has, until I can tell you where you're wrong. And at that point I'll submit you a bill at $60 an hour for my time." He said, "If I bill you up front I have to issue reports and if I issue a report I have to sign my name, and I'm not comfortable signing my name until I totally understand this".
[25:25] Two years later this Ph.D. said, "Dave, I can, without equivalence, I can tell you that it is not any of the other elements on the Periodic Table." He said, "I have physically separated, in the past, every element on that Periodic Table. All the rare earths, many of the Actinides, the man-made elements. He said, "I've done them all. I've worked with niobium, strontium, niobium, titanium, all the electronics materials." He said, "I've done all these studies for all these companies, but there are four elements that I have never worked with, and that's four of the six that you brought me. When I do the separation systems that you brought to me, everything says that it's 4-6 ounces per ton of palladium, 12-14 ounces per ton of platinum, 150 ounces per ton of osmium, 250 ounces per ton of ruthenium, 800 ounces per ton of iridium, and 1,200 ounces per ton of rhodium". Now, keeping in mind, here's 1,200 ounces of one element and here's 4-6 ounces per ton of another element. Now these are very divergent numbers here and yet the numbers exactly agree with the spectroscopy numbers. Okay, exactly. The only thing is, when he separates the pure rhodium from the blood red chloride solutions of rhodium, which for you people who know anything about chemistry there aren't many materials that form blood red chlorides, when he does the hydroxide neutralization, they precipitate out of solution as a hydroxide. He filters and dries it. We put that into a tube furnace where we have atmospheric control. We oxidize it at 800 degrees Centigrade which is red heat. We hydrogen reduce it and then we get this hydrogen reduced gray powder.
What he did, is he would take it in and oxidize it and get a red-brown oxide, which is the correct color of rhodium dioxide. He would cool it and take 1/3 of that sample and put it in a sealed vial. He then would take two thirds of the remaining sample, put it back in the tube furnace, re-oxidize it and hydrogen reduce it. He would then cool it down, take it out of the tube furnace, take half of the sample and put it in another sealed vial. And then he would take the remaining third and put it back in the tube furnace and anneal it at 1,400 degrees Centigrade and it turns snow white.
So we have three fractions here. We have a red brown dioxide. We have the dioxide reduced under hydrogen to the elemental material. And then we have an annealed material under an inert gas. Now one should be an oxide, one should the element and I don't know what the third material might be, but it still supposed to be the same stuff. When we sent them over to Pacific Spectrachem in California, which is one of the better, older spectroscopic firms in California, the red brown dioxide was iron. The only element detectable was iron. I mean, look at it, hell, it's a red brown dioxide just like iron. The hydrogen reduced material, now the iron disappeared, no more iron in this sample. Now it's been hydrogen reduced and it's become silica and aluminum. No iron, and yet the first sample had no silicon aluminum in it and now the second sample is silicon aluminum. And then the third sample, which now should be silicon aluminum, right, it's just annealed under argon, now becomes calcium and silica. No aluminum.
Now this Ph.D. says, "Dave, in all my years working with Pacific Spectrachem, I have never had any problems with these people. Never. Until I met you." And he said, "What we have here is something that I know is pure rhodium and yet none of these spectroscopic analyzes are saying it's rhodium." Iron could be a reddish brown chloride, but silica and aluminum and calcium do not form colored salts at all. And yet if you take the material that they claim is silica and calcium and re-dissolve it through a fusion and hydrochloric acid, and you got the red brown chloride again. Now where did it come from? And he says, "Dave, this makes absolutely no sense at all. This is defying everything I have been taught in college, everything I have been taught in graduate school". So, what he did, he said, "I'm going to send this back to my graduate professors at Iowa State." So we took these red brown chloride solutions in hydrochloric acid. We evaporated down the salts and they were these blood red chloride salts, okay, and we sent these to Iowa State University and we said, "What is the metal that's present in this salt?"
And Iowa State University came back, "There's chlorine present". Well, chlorine's a gas. Well, fine, there's chlorine, but what is the chlorine reacting with that makes it a crystalline material? And they said, "There's chlorine present". And we said, "Yes, but what's the metal that holding the chlorine?" They couldn't tell us.
[30:45] So we decided that we were really going to get sophisticated, so we took... When we did the spectroscopy, I told you at 70 seconds these elements begin to burn, well at 68 seconds we stopped the burn. Okay? Now there shouldn't be anything there other than these elements and carbon and the electrode. We dug the metal bead out with a little knife and we sent it off to Harwell Laboratories over in London, which is the government, you know, the government labs over in London, and they did neutron activation.
Now neutron activation does not care what state the electron orbitals are in, it actually analyzes the nucleus itself, of the element. The results come back, "No precious elements detected". They did see some carbon, but no precious elements detected. You know, this is really getting serious here. I probably got the best credentials money can buy. I got a man that worked, now, a total of 9 1/2 years, he's a Ph.D. analytical chemist, he physically can separate and quantify everything known to man. And he says, "Dave I can't explain this. This is not explainable."
So we finally order from Johnson Matthey, pure standard materials of rhodium and iridium, platinum, palladium, ruthenium and osmium and we learn how to make them disappear. We could take pure rhodium chloride and analyze it to be pure rhodium, and through a process of repeated evaporation with salt, we could make the rhodium disappear from the instrumental analyzes. It still is a blood red chloride, you still can perform all the chemistry, it still was in solution but it didn't analyze to contain any rhodium. And this was pure rhodium standard.
The way it disappeared was a process of disaggregation. So when we became comfortable that, you know, I don't what this is or what form it is, but I know what it is. We actually took pure standards of metal, put them in our separation system and they separated right where they were supposed to be, as these elements. I went back to General Electric, and General Electric is one of the big names in instrumentation as well as high technology work, and they had people back there who were building what they call fuel cells using rhodium and iridium in the fuel cell technology. And particularly rhodium is very important in fuel cells, particularly their fuel cell technology, which was the solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell, because it doesn't poison with carbon monoxide. And so all your standard fuels that are hydrocarbons, which most of you Texans are familiar with, they, in the combustion, or the removal of hydrogen from the hydrocarbon, you get carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, and this poisons platinum. And so platinum, after a week or two, begins to die and quits functioning. Where rhodium does not poison with carbon monoxide, and so you don't have to have pure hydrogen, you can use the hydrocarbon fuels and it works just fine.
When I went back and talked to them, I met with about 7 people back there, and they turned me over to their senior catalytic chemist, his name was Tony LaConti. He said, "Dave, we know that when we buy the commercial standards from Johnson Matthey that they analyze very well, but we do know that when we convert through a fusion process to disaggregate them to a finer particle size, that they do not analyze as well as they used to." So, his suggestion to me was, "Dave, I don't care whether it analyzes or not. Your credentials behind you are as good as we have anyplace at GE. Just send us the material and we'll mount it in our fuel cells and if it does what it's supposed to do, who cares what you call it". Now, here's a ...., this guy might have been a farmer, this is, ah, pretty good thinking! (audience laughter).
So, you know, we separated the rhodium, and he wanted about 3 ounces of it which, we were making it milligrams at a time, so it took us about 4 or 5 months, and then John wanted to, the Ph.D. wanted to re-refine it, and so we went back and re-refined it all again. Anyway, by the time we got it to them, GE had sold their fuel cell technology to United Technologies, who has another type of fuel cell. And they wanted the solid polymer technology of GE for their breathing systems on submarines and everything. And what happened is, the GE people had to go over and work for 6 months and then they were allowed to quit. And so, Jose Giner, the head of the fuel cell technology at United Technologies actually went and formed his own company in Waltham, Massachusetts [Giner Inc., 14 Spring Street, Waltham Ma., 02154-4413], and most of the GE people went with him. And so at the time our material is ready to work with, the people weren't at GE anymore, they were at Waltham, Massachusetts, so we contracted with these people to do the fuel cell testing.
Our material as delivered to Giner analyzed and contained, the rhodium didn't contain any rhodium, the iridium didn't contain any iridium. But when it was mounted on carbon and put into a fuel cell, it did what only rhodium would do. It was a hydrogen evolving catalyst and it was carbon monoxide stable. Okay? It does what only, at that time, about $10,000 an ounce rhodium would do. Now I understand rhodium is down probably a thousand an ounce now. But it did what only rhodium would do. We ran the fuel cells for about three weeks doing time studies on it, and at the end of the three weeks they tore down the fuel cells and sent the carbon off for analyzes, and now we have 6 percent rhodium on the electrodes. Mysteriously appeared from some place, 6 percent.
[36:47] They said, "Dave, to our knowledge no one knows that rhodium can exist in this state. No one knows that iridium can exist in this state. In fact, if you want, you can patent this. If you can explain it, if you can tell how to make it from a known commercial material, you can put a patent on this." So I went to their patent attorney in Washington, D.C., and in 1988 I filed U.S. and worldwide patents on 11 elements in their orbitally rearranged monatomic state. Okay? That's where the name comes from, and we just made it up on an airplane one day. Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element. We knew that the chemistry changed. We knew that the material became totally inert and did not act like a metal. We knew that it did not have any valence electrons available for chemical bonding, and we knew that there was a change in the nuclear configuration. We didn't understand it yet but we knew it was the case.
And so, this material was, went to the U.S. patent office. In addition we filed another 11 patents on another phenomena. And this phenomena becomes very interesting. If you take a gram of gold and you convert it, through a disaggregation process to the monatomic form, the last product you have before it goes to pure monatomic material, is hydrogen oride or hydrogen rhodide or hydrogen iridide. Which if you know this is a minus one state. Coincidentally. Hydrogen is more electropositive than these elements. So it's not gold hydride, it's hydrogen oride. Which is in the literature if you are curious. Anyway, when we anneal away the proton, the material goes snow white. All of these elements in their pure monatomic form are snow white. They look just like cooking flour. You know, you ladies who do cooking, just look for that white bleached flour that you pour out in a little measuring cup. Doesn't look like a metal at all. The hydrogen oride is gray, but the pure dehydrogenated material is snow white. It is very fluffy. It has a density of about 2 1/2 yet the metal has a density of about 19. Okay?
This is not at all like it's supposed to be, but it's there and it's these elements. The amazing thing about it is the weight of the material was very difficult to weigh. We were having all this crazy weights on it, so in trying to quantify this on paper for the patent office, and they want things very precise at the patent office, we couldn't get consistent results with the material. It kept gaining weight and gaining weight and gaining weight and gaining weight and gaining weight, you know, and so what's the correct weight, you know?
So we got a machine called thermo-gravimetric analysis. And how many of you know what thermo-gravimetric analysis is? Not many, there's a few back there. It's basically a machine that has controlled atmosphere and it has a micro-balance, that you can weigh the sample in a controlled atmosphere, and then the sample can be heated and weighed all at the same time. And it's made to .... you put metals in there and oxidize them and see the weight gain of the oxide and hydrogen reduce, and see the loss of the oxide. Or you can heat it up to high temperatures and when it thermally decomposes, you can tell that the weight's going because the weight's coming down on the scale. So I figured here we have complete control, no variables like absorbed gases or, you know, whatever from the atmosphere. We're gonna really control this stuff.
[40:54] After about 9 or 10 months of doing these studies by computer control, day and night, everyday, month after month, what we found is when the material goes snow white, it weighs 56 percent of the true weight. Now that should bother you, I hope. You say, where's the mass going? Why isn't it weigh-able anymore? And by repeated annealing we could make the material weigh less than the pan weighed it was sitting in, which was less than nothing, or we could make it weigh 300-400 times what it's beginning weight was, depending on whether we were heating or cooling it. Yet the machine is built with magnetic standards, that you could actually put in the machine, and the materials are non-magnetic, then at a certain temperature they become magnetic, then at another temperature they lose their magnetism, to check the machine and see if there's any effect of it's magnetic field from the heating coil that's effecting the weight of the material. And yet the magnetic materials have no effect at all. Yet when you put this material in and literally take it quantitatively to the white form, the material only weighs 56 percent of the true weight.
Yet if you take this white powder and put it on a quartz boat, and heat it up to the point where it fuses with the quartz, it becomes black and it regains all it's weight again. This makes no sense, it's impossible, it can't happen. But there it was.
So, we became interested in the area of why this material was changing it's weight. We went to Varian Corporation over in Stanford, we showed them the data, and they said, "Mr. Hudson, if you were cooling a sample, we would say it 's a superconductor".
A superconductor is material that responds to tiny, tiny, tiny magnetic fields, and even though the heating element on this thermo-gravimetric analysis machinery is "bifilar" wound, which means power goes in one way in one wire, it comes back the other way in the other wire, so they cancel each other's magnetic field. There's no way the two wires can completely cancel each other. There's always this tiny little bit of residual because the wires are not on top of each other, they're actually parallel to each other. So there is this tiny little bit of residual field.
It's not the kind of field an ordinary magnet would respond to, but it is the kind of field that a superconductor could respond to. A superconductor is a material that can respond to a magnetic field of 2 times 10 to the minus 15th Erg. I say, what's an Erg? They said, there is 10 to the 18 power ergs in a Gauss. And the Earth's magnetic field that a compass aligns with is about .7 Gauss. So the Earth's magnetic field is almost a Gauss. And there's 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10...., 18 times, there's that many Ergs in a Gauss.
And a superconductor responds to a magnetic field of 2 times 10 to the minus 15th Ergs, or .00000000..., 15 times, with a 2 of 1 Erg. [typist note: .000000000000002].
[44:40] You've seen in these science magazines where they've got a picture of the brain and they show part of the brain lit up when you eat something sour or you see another part light up when you eat something sweet or that's electric seizure where the brain just lights up all over. How do they see these thought patterns in your brain? With superconductors. Superconductors can sense any disturbance in a magnetic field. They're unbelievably sensitive. And, so if this material is a superconductor, even this tiny little bit of magnetic field that was still around the heating coil, the material could levitate or it could sink, because a superconductor will not break lines of magnetic force when they're superconducting. They resist moving in the field and so they would tend to levitate or they couldn't be weighed. If you pick the scale up they're gonna weigh more, or if you put the scale down they're gonna weigh less, because they're not moving. So if it's a superconductor this is not really a good thing to be doing. It doesn't really mean anything.
When I began to do the literature studies, I found out that in a macro-metal, the temperature of the atoms is actually being measured now over in Europe. And the temperature is about 350 degrees Kelvin, depending on the metal, I mean, more or less. About 350 degrees. As you disaggregate the clusters in that metal down smaller and smaller, the temperature of the atom goes down and down. A three atom cluster is about 23 degrees Kelvin, a two atom cluster is about 12 degrees Kelvin, and a 1 atom, they don't know what it really is because they can't read it, they can't find it. But theoretically it's about 2 to 3 degrees Kelvin. The internal temperature inside a single atom is, in fact, almost absolute zero. It has nothing to do with temperature of the room it's sitting in, and actually what we were doing is, we were heating and cooling a monatomic system, and the monatomic system was giving up energy. And so we set up to do differential thermal analyzes and we found out there was a lot more heat coming out than we were putting in when we heated it.
We have that chart too in graph. Then actually by heating it, we were cooling the atoms, because the temperature had nothing to do with the internal temperature of the atom. The only way it could hold energy is through chemical binding or through crystalline binding and there was none of that going on because it 's a monatomic system. We actually found that these atoms, in the literature, since we filed our patent, and we filed 11 more patents on the superconducting state of a mini-atom system of the high-spin state. We found in the published literature in 1989, 1990 and 1991, that the Niels Bohr Institute, that Argonne National Laboratories, that Oak Ridge National Laboratories, indeed had confirmed that the very elements that I had filed in my patents do exist in this high-spin state, in the monatomic form. And that they do inherently go to that state when they're in the monatomic form. They will not go to this state when they're in the diatomic state, but they will go to this state in the monatomic form. And the words that they have developed in the scientific community to explain this is the asymmetrical deformed high-spin nuclei. They have even published papers on the asymmetrically deformed high-spin nuclei, and found that they theoretically should be superconductors. Because high-spin atoms can pass energy from one high-spin atom to the next with no net loss of energy. Okay?
[48:32] Tomorrow in our workshop, we will, I have all of the published papers, I have the Scientific American articles, I have all the published papers on all of these elements. You'll get to see Niels Bohr Laboratories, Argonne National Laboratories, Oak Ridge National Laboratories credentials and these specific elements, and in the asymmetrically deformed high-spin state, and they are stable in that state, and they are not radioactive isotopes in that state. But it is a state that will only occur in the monatomic form. When they are in this state they do not want to go back to metal. They repulse each other. They will not go to a metallic state until you get the spin state back to the low spin state.
You think my life was complicated. Here I am a dirt farmer. I have to learn chemistry, I have to learn physics, I have to learn about superconductivity. And now my uncle comes up to me with a paper, and he says, "Dave, read this book. I think you'll enjoy it." And I looked at it and it's called 'Secrets of the Alchemist'", it's a Time-Life series book. And I says, "What are you talking about, Caleb, I don't need to read that, that's about Alchemy. That's the occult." He says, "No, Dave, you need to read this book. It talks about a white powder of gold". Ohhhh!?
So I start reading the book. The Philosopher Stone was a white powder of gold. The Philosopher Stone was said to be the container of the light of life.
We took some calves brains and some pigs brains, and we did a destruction of the organic material and a metals analysis and over 5 percent, by dry matter weight, of the calves brains and the pigs brains, were rhodium and iridium in the high-spin state. And nobody in medical research knows that.
I found in the literature, and I'll show you those tomorrow, the U.S. Naval Research Facility has confirmed superconductivity is the communication vehicle between cells in our body, but they don't know where the superconductivity comes from. It's like it's a stealth atom that no one can figure out what it is. (audience laughter) It's there but no one can read it, just like this stuff.
When you realize that the Philosopher Stone is the white powder of gold, then, of course, I have to find out does it work? Does it really have the properties they attribute to it? Which they claim that not only it will cure every disease known to man, they claim that it is capable of changing the nature of man, making him into a different person.
And so, do we want to have a little break here? For everybody to stretch a little bit and I think that our hostess over here has tapes and all sorts of information that she's willing to sell. And after this we'll go into the philosophy, what it really is, and what it really means in our lives, and what we can do with it. Okay?
(audience break - lecture then continues)
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