[ Discovery · White Powder Gold · Q&A · Workshop-1 · Workshop-2 ]
Transcript of a February 1995 introductory lecture and workshop by David Hudson in Dallas Texas. Transcribed from the video tapes which were recorded by The Eclectic Viewpoint on February 10 and 11, 1995. The video tapes are available from:
The Eclectic Viewpoint
P.O. Box 802735
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The video tapes have readable pictures of all of the documents that Hudson references. The serious student of these subjects will find these tapes are worth obtaining. The package of three video tapes costs $69.95 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling.
Items in [parentheses] were added by the editor of this transcript.
Note: This has been further edited and broken into smaller pieces for HTML at monatomic.earth.com. The editorial notes mentioned above were added by the previous editor.
(Start of Workshop)
(Introduction by Cheyenne Turner)
Good afternoon. I'm Cheyenne Turner and I want to welcome you to Eclectic Viewpoint, and a workshop with David Hudson. David is an Arizona farmer who has made some remarkable discoveries. He's filed patents on 11 different forms of elements that were not known to exist before. And he started this by getting involved with extracting gold and silver from the tailings from gold mines. And had this powdery substance that was interfering with his extraction process, and this started him on a whole new adventure. Which led him into Alchemy and lots of other fascinating things, which he's going to tell you about this afternoon. So welcome David Hudson.
[Well, the way they got this arranged.... Does everyone hear me when I'm walking around with this all right? Is it clear enough? Okay. I'll be able to do it then, I think, by myself. We'll just put the papers up on here.]
Anybody here have a tape recorder running? There were several of them running last night. Does anybody have a tape recorder? Everybody's got their tape recorders turned off or put away, right? Right? Everybody agreed? All right. I will ask again that everybody respect that this is being video taped. There will be a portion of it at the end that we are not going to video tape. Um, but ah, and I will ask that everything be turned off at that time.
But ah, what's going to be put on tape is basically the second time that this presentation has ever been video taped. It's been audio taped but it's never been video taped and I've always felt like well you've got to do some work yourself. If you're really that interested I'll give you the references, the page numbers and all and you can do your own research. But if I put it up here and video tape it then you go home and read it cause it's all there in black and white and you don't have to go to the library. I feel like that is going to be awfully beneficial to you people.
What we don't want is we don't want the wrong mentalities to get this material just yet. And so, once again I'm going to ask you not to duplicate these tapes. If there's someone who needs to hear this and you know they're prepared for it, then you can share it with them but I ask you not to duplicate these tapes.
Okay, it's very important to myself. It's very important to Cheyenne. If someone needs a copy of it, you can buy them from Cheyenne, but I ask you not to duplicate the tapes.
[6:00] Okay, as you all know, last night we were talking about this mysterious white powder that we had developed. Remember that this is not just gold, that there actually are 11 elements that were in our patents. Since that time we found out there's one more, so there's a total of 12 elements that can exist in this white powder state. Now, one of them happens to be gold. Most of our work, because we have 2,000 ounces of rhodium and iridium per ton, we have about 12-13 ounces of gold. So in processing this material I got a lot of rhodium and iridium, I have very small amounts of gold. So our work tends to be with rhodium and iridium.
Basically this morning, or this afternoon, what we're going to talk about, it seems like morning because we just got up.... I find that Cheyenne stays up all night. We're actually going to be actually presenting to you the Scientific American articles and the published papers, in Physical Review "C" predominantly, which show the discovery of this form of matter. Now when a man stands up here, particularly a cotton farmer, and tells you he's got patents on this new form of matter, you're going to be just like the U.S. patent office. When I filed for a patent on gold, they said, "What? You mean gold oxide or gold chloride or a gold compound?", and I said, "No. This is gold. Elemental gold". And they said, "Well, that's not patentable. Everyone knows about gold". And I said, "No, they don't know about this form of gold". And of course that's quite a hurdle for... And they say, "What's your credentials?", well, "I'm a cotton farmer". Ah-hah. Oh, now I see what the problem is. You go back and plant the fields and let us handle the high technology materials.
And so, if you want to turn on the overhead projector now. I think, it comes on immediately, and you may close my briefcase lid so that it doesn't interfere. No it doesn't interfere anyway.
Okay, basically I just use this piece of paper, this is, ah, if you'll raise it up just a little bit further where we can read the bottom of it. This is out of Scientific American, December of 1989 [p. 110,- Microclusters by Michael A. Duncan and Dennis H. Rouvray], and this is just an article on micro clusters. And basically it describes very accurately the aspects that we're going to be dealing with. The problem is I can't read it that well from right here, so I'm going to have to walk over with the pointer. If I go out of focus, fine. Start reading up here.
"Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire Cat, to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or gases. They belong instead to a new phase of matter, the micro cluster. Micro clusters consist of tiny aggregates comprising from two" (key word "two", because it's clusters) "two to several hundred atoms. They pose questions that lie at the heart of solid state physics and chemistry, and the related field of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles become before the character of the substance they once formed is lost? How might the atoms reconfigure themselves?" Very specific right here. "How might the atoms reconfigure themselves if freed from the influence of the matter that surrounds them? If the substance is a metal, how small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic sharing of free electrons that underlies conductivity?"
That basically is the introduction, that's the introduction for the subject that I am dealing with. And what we found is that every element has a minimum cluster size where it has metallic character, and once the cluster goes beyond or below that critical minimum size, it totally breaks up on it's own. And every element is different.
For example, for iridium, it's a 9 atom cluster, for platinum it's a 5 atom cluster, for palladium it's a 7 atom cluster, for gold it's a 2 atom cluster. Anything larger than that, stays metallic, and will aggregate and become more metallic. Anything less than that will literally break up on its own. It literally comes apart on its own.
This makes for a very interesting situation. If you send platinum or iridium to Englehard or Johnson Matthey, which are the two big precious metal refineries in London, they will guarantee you a 99.9% recovery on gold. If you send them platinum they will guarantee you about 98 and a half percent recovery on platinum, but if you send them iridium they will not guarantee you over an 86% recovery on the iridium. Now most precious metal people believe that they're being cheated out of their precious metal, that the refinery is keeping that precious metal. That's not true, they actually lose it in the processing of it, and that's because iridium isn't stable below 9 atom clusters and in the dissolution of the iridium, about 14% of it actually gets below 9 atom clusters and will not recover as metal compounds. And so it's quote unquote lost in the system. And this is why, and the precious metal community is not aware of this. They know they have loses, but they don't understand why. And this is why. Okay, we go to the next slide.
[12:00] This is an article from Scientific American, if you'll just raise that far enough so we can read the very bottom. This is March of 1990, Scientific American magazine. [pp. 58-67, New Radioactivities by Walter Greiner and Aurel Sandulescu] Now this article basically is describing new radioactivities, and that's the title of the article. And the example they give here is Uranium 232. Now this happens to be a radioactive isotope, but don't let that fool you. This is a phenomena that relates to all elements. Now, if you'll put up the next page, and you put the 2 pages there, actually that is the first page of the article, this is the second page. If you'll notice, the first Uranium 232, it actually is showing the proton and neutron orbitals. Now, if you get the original article, it's in color, and my copier doesn't copy color, it just copies black and white, so what you're getting is a black and white version. But the alternating black and white orbitals are, in fact, the nuclear orbitals. Now, most of us never have heard about nuclear orbitals, we've heard about electron orbitals, you remember back in chemistry class you had 2, 8, 8, 16, 32, these are the sequences that the electron orbitals fill. Well the nucleus fills the same way, that the proton and neutron orbitals actually fill in harmonic sequences. And what they found is that these big heavy nuclei, that are called the actinide group, and I'll ask you to, we'll go back to this slide, but just take the slide down for a second and put the next one up, I believe the next one is the Periodic table? Yes. The actinide group is the elements that begin with Actinium, and they're the heavy ones down here at the bottom of the Periodic Table, if you slide over to the right just a hair. Right. Okay, for those of you now... Here is Actinium, then there's two other elements here behind it, but actually Actinium is 89. It goes then to 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 all the way up to 103, and then we go to 104 and 105. So they're actually out of sequence here. So this is called the Actinide group, it has a big "A". These are called the Actinide group, and this is the Actinide group right here. Now basically the Actinide group are the heavy elements. And what happened about 1985-86, is these physicists, these nuclear physicists were watching these elements that were Actinide group elements, and all of a sudden this atom blew apart, it literally came apart all on it's own. And there was no gamma emissions, there was no alpha emissions, there was no beta emissions. There was heat emissions, tremendous heat, but it literally.., one element became two elements, just bang, it happened.
And it really took the physicists back, because this was not an element that they expected to come apart. This was a stable element. And as they begin to investigate it, they found out that all of the Actinide group basically would do this. But this, you know, these are kind of heavy nuclei, they're big fat, they're lots of protons and lots of neutrons, and they said, "Well maybe it's just because they're big cumbersome nuclei. They're not that stable anyway". But within a couple of years, these same researchers begin to find that the rare earths would do this, the lanthanide group. Okay, now for those of you who aren't chemists, the lanthanide group, number 57 is lanthanum, and all of these elements right here are called the lanthanide group or the rare earth group. Now the place down here by themselves on the Periodic Table, because they, ah, supposedly you're not going to run into them that often in your normal chemistry you're performing, and so they stick them also down here, like the Actinides, at the bottom of the periodic Table. But they found that Samarium through Dysprosium, Samarium through Dysprosium would do the very same thing. They literally, as a single atom, could come apart all on they're own, and they're not radioactive isotopes.
Now this is very serious stuff here, because these nuclear physicists, you know, we've been taught that the nucleus is a very stable thing, it takes tremendous energies to blow it apart. It takes energies up about 1 million electron-volts to knock a nucleus apart, and yet they found that Samarium through Dysprosium would do this. Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, and Dysprosium would do this.
Now if we go back to the other slide we just had on there. Okay. So basically what they learned, and there's a lot of, lot of research here, it's all in the published literature. But what they learned is the nucleus is a very snobbish thing. That basically as the electron orbitals fill, so do the nuclear orbitals fill, and what happens is the elements that are half-filled or half-empty, the ones in the middle of the Periodic Table, keeping in mind that Samarium through Dysprosium are in the middle of the rare earths, they found that what happens is the filled orbitals, these harmonically complete orbitals actually say "you unfilled orbitals get out of here". "You can't be next to us filled orbitals, we're the good guys, you're the bad guys. You get off away from here and you come back when you're filled, and then you can be part of us, but in the meantime get the heck out of here".
And so what happens is those partially filled orbitals are excluded away from the filled orbitals, and this is inherent in a monatomic system. Now this will not happen if you have diatomic systems or larger, because this phenomena in physics, called dipole-dipole connection between nuclei, where the nuclei actually interreact with each other. It's kind of like a two cylinder motor, in a two cylinder motor, the pistons run opposite each other, and so even thought there's a vibration, they compensate, they kind of neutralize each other, and so the motor is pretty still. But what happens when you take one cylinder away and you have a one cylinder motor, it's an inherent vibration, you can't help it. And so here there's one little naked atom who is, got this out of balanced phenomena in the nucleus, and it's spinning, it literally is like a tire with a knot on it, it is, klunk-klunk-klunk, and what it does, it excludes these unfilled orbitals, these protons and neutrons that are not filled get pushed away from it, and it creates this figure eight or coke bottle shaped nuclei.
Okay now this is new stuff people. You're not going to find it in universities, you're not going to find it, you know, being taught, because it's new. It's just 1985-86 when it was first discovered. It's in the published literature up to 1990-91, and that's what you're going to see today. It's probably, 50-60% of the physics papers in Physical Review C are on this area right now. It is a hot topic. But very few college professors ever heard of it because it wasn't in their curriculum when they studied. It's not in the books yet either.
Anyway, if you'll move it down where we can read together, we're going to read some portions of this that are really important to understand. Move it on down a little further where I can point at it. Okay. Let's read this here, beginning right here. "It is now known that the atomic nucleus is a more or less spherical object, whose diameter is about a few fermis, a unit of measure equal to one quadrillionth of a meter, or simply 10-15 meter." Now that's tiny, okay? "Electrons orbit the nucleus at a distance of about 100,000 fermis. (For comparison, the radius of the moon's orbit is only about 30 times greater than the diameter of the earth.)" So we think the moon's a long ways out there, but relative to the earth, it's very close. You take an atom, the electrons are way the heck and gone away from the nucleus. "Packed in this fermi-size nucleus is nearly all of the mass of an atom and all it's positive electric charge. The mass of the nucleus comes mainly from nucleons. Protons carry the positive charge. The structure of the nucleus arises from two types of interactions: strong and electromagnetic. As a result of the strong interaction, or nuclear force, protons bind to neutrons and to each other. The nuclear force binds nucleons very tightly [but acts over a very short range]". Okay, now, this is old hat for you people who took physics, but this is very important, to most of you. "To separate two neutrons that are one fermi apart, for instance, requires an energy of about one million electron volts". Now this is the standard thinking that you were taught in school. Now, "On the other hand, only about 10 electron volts is needed to disassociate two nucleons that are 10 fermis apart". So, the strong force only works over very short distances, okay? And once those nuclei start coming the least little bit apart, now the glue no longer adheres.
"As a result of the electromagnetic interaction, or Coulomb force," now this is the repulsive force, the "protons repel other protons, although the Coulomb force is weaker than the nuclear force, it acts over a much longer range". So "If two protons are one fermi apart, the Coulomb force is about 100 times weaker than the nuclear force. Yet at a distance of 10 fermis the coulomb force is about 10 times stronger than the nuclear force."
Now, you begin to understand what's happening here? These foreign nuclei no longer are glued together like they are supposed to be glued together. They actually want to come apart on their own. The force that's inside that nucleus that is pushing apart is very weak compared to the force that's holding them together, but when they become deformed all the rules break down.
And so we're taught in school that the nucleus takes a million electron-volts to push it apart, but in fact, this phenomena is not, doesn't hold true when you're talking about deformed nuclei. Okay? Now here it is in Scientific American, okay, it's very serious. Now that's the basis of what we're dealing with. Let's go to the next paper.
[23:45] Yeah, just skip the periodic table, oh you can just put it up for a little clarification here. And so physicists found that all the Actinide group, basically the actinium and all of these would do it, which most of these are man-made elements, but then they found that samarium through dysprosium would do it. And they said, you know, if it's a configuration of the nuclei, if you take number 58, which is Cerium, and you take it up, and plug it in right here, you got 1-2-3-4-5. 1-2-3-4-5. So right here is where it would really end up being and this row would be pushed down. So here would be samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium and dysprosium. That's where it should be if it was in the periodic table correctly. And so, when they found that these rare earths would do it, these rare earths are not that big, they're not that fat. They realized that it had to do with the harmonics in the nucleus, and it was actually the nucleus itself, deforms itself, and in doing so it no longer is stable. It literally can just blow apart on it's own.
That sounds like alchemy, doesn't it. Anyway, they begin to look at ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum and gold, and then mercury. Which just happen to be the elements I am dealing with. Okay?
I filed my patents in March of 1988, and the papers we're going to show you were published from that time on. I didn't have a chance to read these papers and then write my patent, and it took about 6 months to write the patent. I was writing the patent in 1987. It was actually refiled in March of 1988. And so these papers we're going to show now, are the United States government national labs or the European national labs, and their work with these elements. Next page.
[25:54] Okay, ah, this is "A Possible Discontinuity in the Optical Behavior in the Platinum Through Mercury Region" [Department of Nuclear Physics, Research School of Physical Science, Australian National University - October 1988] Why they just don't say platinum, gold and mercury? Because that's the way they are, apparently, they go platinum, gold and mercury, they leave gold out for some reason. But in the platinum, gold and mercury region, this is what they have to say, and they confirm what I just told you. And I am not presenting all of the papers on the history of these discoveries because it really isn't relevant. But if you'll read the second sentence here, "Apart from the well deformed rare earth and heavy actinide nuclei which would not be expected to conform to the parametization of this theory", because this theory is on the stability of the nucleus. Ah, they found that the nuclei in the platinum region with total proton numbers 78 to 82 and neutron numbers 108 to 126, were also anomalous. In other words, they don't conform either. They're just like the rare earths. And this says, "a discontinuity of this magnitude is not observed in any other part of the Periodic table."
[27:00] Next slide. Publication is the American Physical Society, 1989, page 39 or, in the, in the, page 1142. Okay. That's a reference that confirms what I just told you, though, they found that the heavy Actinides would do it, then they found that the rare earths would do it. Then they started looking at these elements, above it and below it. Okay, here is "Collective and single particle structure of 103 Rh [Physical Review C Volume 37, Number 2, February 1988, pp. 621-635]". Rhodium 103 is the stable isotope of Rhodium. It's just like gold, it only has one isotope that's stable. This is it. Key words that were developed when they begin to make these discoveries, were "high-spin" Rhodium 103. When the nucleus becomes deformed in a ratio of 2 to 1, twice as long as it is wide, like a coke bottle, it's spin slips to the high-spin state. It's inherent in the stuff. It isn't anything you do from the outside, it does it on it's own. Okay? And the bottom sentence in the introduction, Rhodium "[103 Rh] is a soft nucleus which exhibits shape coexistence". They go on to explain, even-even with a total nuclei's of approximately 100, with protons greater than or equal to 40 or less than or equal to 50, and neutrons greater than 50, are of current interest because of the nature of the shape transition [Even-even A~100 nuclides with 40<Z<50 and N>50 are of current interest because of the nature of the shape transitions which occur in this region.] Ah, they go on to, on the onset of deformation, when the neutron members equal 60, and more importantly down here it says, It's related to the level structures, right here, of proton numbers equal to or greater than 42 and neutron numbers equal to or greater than 56, nuclei such as ruthenium, rhodium, palladium and silver ["In part, this is reflected in the level structures of the (Z > 42,N > 56) nuclei such as Ru, Rh, Pd, and Ag isotopes."] Which just happen to be the elements in my patent application.
And this is the study. So you physicists, the people of the technical world, you can get the paper, and you can read all about the deformations, you can read all about the deformations, the studies, the nuclei that were studied. It's a big long paper and you're welcome to read it. For this audience we are not going to try going into it. Key, key thing to understand is these particular nuclei, ruthenium, rhodium, silver, and palladium are the ones that do it. Okay? Which is..... That article is the American Physical Society, 1988, page 38 or page 671, I believe, 621, 621. This is the American Physical Society.
(Question - Does this begin to occur when the particle gets down to less than the cluster size?)
It happens, actually it begins to occur when it gets below the cluster size, but it, the monatomic state is when all of this is observed. Keep in mind these are nuclear physicists, and, you know, this is the cyclotron facility at Texas A & M, which you guys should be very familiar with. Okay? Most of these are the government labs, this happens to be the exception.
But, you know, the key words are "prolate", "oblate", "asymmetric shapes", strongly suggests the nuclei's a "soft shape", and it goes on with the deformations they observed, you know, it's a really interesting paper to read, but not for the audience here. So I just bring the cover page and we read the introduction. We go to the next one.
(Question - Are any of your patents issued yet?)
Patents were issued . . . Well we will get into that after a while, ok?
[30:40] This is "Superdeformation in Palladium 104 and 105 [Superdeformation in 104, 105 Pd, Physical Review C, Volume 38, Number 2, August 1988 pp. 1088-1091]". The two most stable isotopes of Palladium. These are not radioactive isotopes. Palladium has several stable isotopes. This happens to be two of them. "Of special interest....", I'm reading right here, if he quits moving it, "Of special interest are those shapes known as 'superdeformed'", they use SD, "where the nucleus acquires a very elongated shape that can be approximately represented by the ellipsoid where the ratio of the long to short axis is considerably larger than that of normal deformation ~ 1.3:1. Within the framework of the anisotropic harmonic-oscillator model one can expect the existence of favorable shell gaps that appear regularly as a function of deformation and nucleon number.". Anyway, "They are predicted to occur for particular 'super deformed, magic numbers', and at deformations corresponding to integer ratios to the length of the axes" corresponding to a ratio of 2 to 1. Okay.
That now is the consensus. The word is "superdeformed", and it's used whenever the nucleus has a 2 to 1 or greater deformation. Okay? This is all the semantics, the wording that the physics community has developed. Ah, you know, when it goes to this 2 to 1 deformation, the nucleus spin flips to the high-spin state, and so the rhodium, they're talking about high-spin states of rhodium 103, they're also talking about super deformed rhodium. They didn't use those terminologies, but this has become the wording that is used now in the physics community. And you see when discoveries are made all over the world, little by little, they all decide that certain terminologies are correct, and then everybody begins to use those terminologies. So, everybody had their own words initially, and that's why it's just a little confusing, but the key now is "superdeformed", "2 to 1 deformation", "high-spin state" and in this high-spin state the particles are no longer close, so they come apart very easily. Okay?
The world isn't as we thought it was. Ok next paper.
This one is the American Physical Society, 1988, page 38 or 1088, and it's, ah, rapid communication, the Physical Review C, Volume 38, number 2, August 1988. Okay, and the source is Nuclear Science...., ah, nuclear, ah, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California. That's your government laboratory. United States government laboratory. Okay, next paper. As you can see, this is not channeled information. (audience laughs) Ah, you laugh, there are some people who can channel, but this, you know, this is hard science folks, this is not a maybe.
[33:44] "Structure of Osmium and Platinum isotopes [Structure of Os and Pt isotopes, Physical Review C, Volume 38, Number 2, August 1988, pp. 953-959]", they're literally studying the shapes, the ground state properties of rare earth nuclei, including Osmium and Platinum region, ah, they found that they're prolate-oblate, and, you know, you can read the papers, physicists, and understand it, but they're actually studying all these elements. This is Physical Review C, Volume 38, Number 2, August, 1988, uh, and the source here is the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. Now these are very sophisticated people who are dealing with single atoms, and for the average person, it's even hard for us to even think about a single atom. It's so far beyond anything we could ever see or imagine, and yet these people hold single atoms, and study the configuration of the atom. It's really, you know, pretty impressive technology. Next slide. (audience question) Page 38, 953. Okay, next page, next one.
[35:00] Okay, "Quantum size effects in rapidly rotating nuclei". Now they talk about high-spin, the rapidly rotating nuclei. This is the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. You all know who Niels Bohr was? Worked with Einstein? Has the electron theory, the orbitals around the atom. Anyway, this is his son, who is doing a lot of this work over there. This is Physical Review C, Volume 41, Number 4, April, 1990. Now, a lot of you are saying, "Well, why is this high-spin state so important?", well, why it's important, they're beginning to get into here, and maybe we ought to take this one off and let's put the next one on first, and I'll, ah, I'll.... This is page number 41 and 1865, they actually have two numbers. Okay, let's put the next one on and we'll come back to this one after that.
[36:00] Ah, "The inertias of super deformed bands", yeah, this is also the Niels Bohr Institute, this is Physical Review C, Volume 41, Number 4, April 1990 [Inertias of superdeformed bands, pp. 1861-1864]. Ah, basically this is a very excellent paper that goes into the total physics of the phenomena, but this is a collective phenomena displayed by many body nuclear systems, in other words there are many atoms involved in the systems, and they're talking about the appearance of large gaps in the single particle system, the magic numbers, and they're talking about, that as nuclei become filled their nuclei are stable and are very spherical. But when they're half filled or half empty, it's when they're the most unstable. And so it's not the elements on the left side of the Periodic Table, it's not the elements on the right side, it's the elements in the middle that do this.
Ah, "Some of these configurations [become] strongly bound by deforming the system. In particular, new shell gaps appear by introducing a quadrapole distortion in the nuclear shape, where the ratio of the major to minor axis is 2 to 1. Such deformations play an important role in the process of spontaneous fission," (Spontaneous fission of a non-radioactive isotope. A stable nuclei, non-radioactive, and it can just come apart all on it's own. Okay?) "where the 2 to 1 configuration is connected with the second minimum of the fission barrier." And all the rest basically have the superdeformed band of the 2 to 1 configuration and it goes into all of the explanation of the physics and you can see by 1990 they were really trying to understand this because the world isn't as we thought it was. We thought these atoms were just so stable and never would come apart and heck, you look at these wrong and they come apart. It isn't like we thought it was.
But more importantly for me, you know, I said, somebody had to have seen this. Somebody has to know about this. I can't be the only one who knows this. And in the literature, sure enough, here were the answers. They had found that certain elements, they just happened to be the ones that I had filed a patent on, will go to the high-spin state and when they go to the high-spin state the whole nature of the atom changes. It isn't the same atom that it was before. Okay, let's go back now, no, let's go look at the next one.
(Question: What page is that?)
That is page number 41, 1861, 1990, of the American Physical Society. Let's go to the next one. Keep the one, that we can come back to.
Let's take that one off too. There's one more I want. Pull that one off. Save it, yeah. Okay.
[39:00] This is a 1960's book that my Ph.D. studied at Iowa State University and it's actually an article about nuclear quadrapole moment and nuclear quadrapole moment spectroscopy. They actually find that by applying these 800,000 gauss magnetic fields that they could cause the nucleus to spin flip to the high-spin state. And then when they release these fields they read the resonance that comes out of the nucleus as the nucleus drops back down to the low spin state. Now this was discovered in the 1960's, but if you have to keep 800,000 gauss applied to this nucleus to keep it in the high-spin state, you know, it's a tremendous amount of energy. But what they found, is they found a phenomena, and I want you to read this.
"There is another effect called spin-spin or transverse relaxation operative in solids. This involves transfer of energy from one high energy nucleus to another. There is no net loss of energy." There is no net loss of energy in the transfer of energy from one high-spin nucleus to the other high-spin nucleus. Now they've know this since the 1960's, but if it takes 700,000 gauss to keep these nucleuses in the high-spin state, so what if energy flows from one to the next with no push. I mean you got more energy here than it takes to push energy all across the country on a wire, so, big deal. It's one of those esoteric things. But if they could ever get nuclei that would go in a high-spin state and stay in the high-spin state, then you should have a superconductor.
Now let's go back to the first paper I had you take off, the first one I told you to save (talking to projector operator).
[41:04] Okay, "Quantum size effects in rapidly rotating nuclei". April of 1990. This is the Niels Bohr Institute, Physical Review C, Volume 41, Number 4 [pp. 1865-1868]. Here it is, the whole story, they finally put it down in print and admitted this was what they were chasing; these high-spin nuclei. What they are talking about is, "In the nuclear case," I'll start reading right here, "a variety of symmetries are spontaneously broken. In particular rotational and gauge invariance as testified by the occurrence of families of collective excitations displaying rotational relationships for the different observables." Skipping on down here, "It has been conjectured the usual Cooper instability...", now for those of you who don't know what Cooper instabilities means, they gave a Nobel Prize to Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer, who worked for GE. It was the theory of superconductivity. And "Cooper pairs" are when a time foreword electron pairs with a time reverse electron, it's spin 1/2 and spin 1/2. But spin 1/2 plus spin 1/2 is spin 1, and now both particles become pure light with no particles. There's no particle aspect anymore, it's light. Okay?
Here it is, right here. The "Cooper instability will not exist anymore in small particles containing a reduced number of fermions, like e.g., metallic particles. Therefore superconductivity should disappear for particles in the quantal size effects (QSE) regime, when the energy differs between two discrete one-electron states is comparable to the energy gap of the superconducting state." Anyway it goes on to describe the physics. That's why in 1988 when I filed my patents, I filed 11 patents on the monatomic state and I filed another 11 patents on the "many-atom system" and it requires a minimum number of atoms, and they actually, in their paper theorize, that the, ah, they're coming up with a number here, 10 to the 4th to 10 to the 5th electrons. I didn't say how many nuclei had to be there, how many atoms had to be there to be a superconductor, but it was a "many-atom system". And each atom contains many of these electron pairs on it, so, you know, it takes a certain minimum number, several hundreds of atoms, before you have a superconductivity. The word "superconductivity" is like the word "army", you can't have a one man army. It's a contradiction in terms. By definition the word superconductor is a many atom system. Just like the word metal, you can't have an atom be a metal. The word metal has certain characteristics, the word superconductivity has certain characteristics and so you can't have a single atom be a superconductor. It can have all the properties of a superconductor but it takes a certain number of atoms resonance coupled to become a superconductor. I hope I'm not losing people here in this, you know, I'm trying to make it as understandable as I can. Right there they're saying what it's all about. This is what this.... all this interest of all these national laboratories in this form of matter is. Because theoretical they should be a superconductor and they know it. This is the high-spin state of matter. Next paper. Let's go to the one, the other one you stuck off down there. (audience question) Yes ma'am. Any patent on superconductivity has to be cleared for worldwide issuance by the Department of Defense.
(Question - Do you think that's what started the research in these papers that suddenly came out after you filed your patent?)
No, I just think it's time. I just think there's all this information coming, if you haven't figured it out yet, this is the explanation for cold fusion. Ha-ha. It all of a sudden begins to dawn -- palladium, high-spin state, inter nuclear energy, golly, you know. Ah, Pons and Fleischmann just haven't been doing their physics, they've been doing too much chemistry.
[45:18] This is a paper that is, it's Physical Review Letters, Volume 62, Number 10, March 1989, March 6, 1989 [Direct Mapping of Adatom-Adatom Interactions, pp. 1146-1149], and if you raise it up just a little bit, 1776 vaporizations of iridium atoms onto a super-cooled tungsten plate. And, you know, people study the darndest things, these scientists study the most esoteric things. But they're putting, 1776 times they vaporized atoms onto this tungsten plate and they measured where the atoms arranged themselves. Now they didn't realize the importance of what they were doing. But they find here, and my copying job isn't real good so I'm going to walk over again. All of these lines that run up are the light colored lines and all these that run down are the dark colored lines. These are the three dimensions, one, two and three. This is the way the graph reads. Now what they found is that the iridium atoms were arranging themselves at about two of these quadrants from each other. This big long black line. That basically the atoms attract from a long ways away up to that point and then they're repulsed, the lines go, they're not ever found in those locations. So what they found is that the iridium atoms, you see these quadrants are 3.17 angstroms in dimension, so there's 1, 2 quadrants here. So they found that the atoms were arranging themselves at about 6.3 angstroms apart. Okay? They weren't arranging themselves hardly at all in this dimension, they weren't arranging themselves hardly at all in this dimension, they were arranging themselves basically in this dimension, but at specific distances apart.
And their conclusion was that it's like there's a Coulomb wave that comes off of the atom. This atom is in a high-spin state, they didn't know that, but it's actually out of balance and instead of resonating in 3 dimensions it's only resonating in 2 dimensions, and it's got a Coulomb wave, a wave that it produces. The next atom gets into that wave and cannot get closer than that last wave coming off the atom and so it's repulsed. But in the bottom of the wave it's attracted and so at about 6.3 angstroms, the next iridium atom will nestle in that wave and perpetuates the wave, and the next iridium atom will nestle in that wave and perpetuate the wave. Now what they did is they heated and cooled the sample. They let it go to room temperature and then they re-cooled it and let it go to room temperature and what happens is that the atoms will arrange themselves in this perfect, about 6.3 angstrom spacing, in two dimensions. Not in 3 dimensions. In two dimensions, like a long chain. Now in a metal the atoms bind at about 1.8 angstroms, that's when they're sharing electrons. This is out at 6.3 angstroms, so there's no electrons being shared, there's no crystalline energy, there's no chemical energy, but the atom is way the heck and gone out there at about 6.3 angstroms, but it's bound in the resonance wave. And so these atoms literally, by repeated heating and cooling, will arrange themselves at precisely 6.3 angstroms in two dimensions, like a chain. And this atom makes a wave, this atom next nestles in the wave and perpetuates the wave, the next atom nestles in the wave and perpetuates the wave, the next atom nestles in the wave and perpetuates the wave, and literally you get a resonance coupled system of quantum oscillators resonating in two dimensions. These are bound atoms, resonance coupled, oscillating in two dimensions. And it's a bosonic phenomena, it has Cooper pairs.
Now what happens is the individual atoms, when it goes to the high-spin state, and this is going to be a little technical, bear with me. In a normal atom, around the nucleus, there is what's called a positive screening potential that exists around the nucleus and this positive screening potential screens all of the inner electrons and only the valence electrons, the ones on the outside, are available for chemical bonding, these are not screened, they're called valence electrons. When the nucleus goes to the high-spin state that positive screening potential expands out and overlies all of the electron orbitals and all of the electrons become screened. Now some amazing things happen when the electrons are under the screening potential. The electrons are time forward electrons and time reverse electrons, actually get in perfect harmony and pair up, they couple, they become married and they literally become pure light, in the high-spin state. All of the valence electrons are no longer valence electrons, they become light.
Another very important phenomena is under the screening potential of the nucleus the time reversed electron acts identical to a positron. Okay? And by definition the positron is the energy that originates in the nucleus, but under the screening potential of the nucleus the time reversed electron now acts like a positron. And so you have the time reversed electron paired with the time forward electron and they literally become light. They no longer have any particle aspect.
Now the important thing to understand here is that an electron exists in space-time. It has a particle aspect and all of your instrumental analysis is based on knocking this electron from this space-time to that space-time and measuring the absorption or emission when it jumps from it or when it comes back. Right? It's called emission spectroscopy or absorption spectroscopy, x-ray emission and x-ray absorption. But we have no electrons now. All we have is a bunch of light. And you can't knock light from one space-time to another space-time because light exists in, doesn't have a space-time. You can put any amount of electron pairs on a superconductor because they can all go in the same space-time. So all of our instrumental analysis that's being used, but for standard analysis of elements, doesn't work.
It's like stealth atoms. They're there, we just can't see them. So it takes some dumb farmer who doesn't know any better, to beat his head for 18 years, to figure out what the heck this stuff is that's invisible. Most people say, "Dave, you were too dumb to know it was impossible so you did it anyway". Even neutron activation, the most sophisticated analytical tool available to science, is based on exciting the nucleus by sending a neutron into the nucleus and exciting it to high-spin state or a high energy state and then reading the emission that comes out of it when it drops back down. But this is already in the high-spin state and it's happy in the high-spin state and it doesn't want to come out of the high-spin state. So the neutron doesn't read anything. It's invisible to neutron activation. This is why your illustrious scientists have never found it because they read everything else but they don't read this.
And if you ever tried preparing high purity metals, you'll find that you cannot buy 100% pure. You could buy, 99.8, 99.9, 99.99, 99.999, 99.9999 but you cannot buy 100% pure. There is always impurities associated with metals. Even gold, there's always one atom out of thousands that's an impurity. And so when you send 50,000 quantas of energy into this sample of the high-spin state, every quanta of energy reads the impurity. Because all the other atoms "pass it on", "pass it on", "pass it on", "pass it on" until it finds the impurity, bang it reads. You send another quanta in, "pass it on", "pass it on", "hot potato", "hot potato", "hot potato", till one atom can't pass it on and it reads. So you send 50,000 quantas in the sample and it reads 50,000 quantas of iron, and the man says, "yep, it's iron", and it's not. The iron is there, but the material is not iron. And that's why all your wonderful commercial laboratories are telling people it's iron, silica and aluminum and that's why it took me 3 1/2 years, 3 1/2 years, to get rid of all the iron, all the silica, and all of the aluminum, and produce pure nothing! And that's when I had them boxed in the corner. I said, "I want to know what that stuff is. It's still 98% of the sample. What's that stuff?" And they honest to gosh couldn't tell me. That's because it's a form of matter they have not set their machines up to analyze. It's that simple. It's not anything bad about the analytical instrumentation, it's not anything bad about the operator. It's a new form of matter that they're not, they don't have standards prepared for and they don't know how to do the analysis. It's that simple.
(Question - What's the citation?)
Ah, this is Physical Review Letters, Volume 62, Number 10, March 1989. March 6, 1989. Let's go to the next one. You begin to see the reality in this? All right let's go to the next one. Do you begin to see the reality in this?
[55:19] A paper on superconductivity. This is Volume 62, [27] February 1989, Number 9. "Bound States, Cooper Pairing and Bose Condensation in Two Dimensions [pp. 981-984]". Kind of like just what we described, isn't it? We got a resonance coupled system, of bound, bosonic state, they're resonance coupled and oscillating in two dimensions, Curious coincidence here. Anyway, they go into the superconducting stability, they talk about superconductivity, but this specifically is the definition of a superconductor, which happens to be what our stuff is. It's a resonance coupled system of quantum oscillators resonating in two dimensions. It doesn't make any difference what's beside it in the third dimension, that has nothing to do with the system. It's resonating this way, not this way. Okay?
The only thing is, I've heard some people say, "Well Dave, I'll deliver you some high energy. We'll push this stuff and make it into a metal". Do you know that the temperature on the outside has nothing to do with the temperature on the inside? Do you know that the temperature inside an atom, what that temperature really is? And what the outside temperature has nothing to do with the temperature on the inside of the nucleus. But did you know that with less than 10 electron-volts, you can cause the energy, the atoms to fission? And I took 30 grams of this powder, and I bought this brand new arc furnace. An arc furnace is kind of like a welding machine. It has a water cooled copper crucible, you put your sample you want to melt in the copper crucible, and you slide the lid over it and you lower it down, and it seals on o-rings. And then you put a controlled gas through the sample. Well we put argon as our plasma gas, and down in this crucible there's a tungsten electrode that hangs down in there and you can strike the arc between the tungsten electrode and the copper crucible. You put the powder you want to melt in there and you seal the thing all up, vacuum out the air, put in argon, and strike the arc, and you can sit here with a seal and watch your sample through a glass. You can actually stir the sample with the electrode and burn the arc on it.
Now this is the way they melt these refractory ceramics like tungsten, tantalum, niobium, you know these high temperature materials. I said, "we're gonna melt this sucker, I don't care if it takes you two hours of burning, we're going to melt it. I'm gonna find out how the metal is produced". Now this is about 1982-83 before I knew of this. What happened, we struck the arc and within a second it stopped. We opened up the machine and the tungsten electrode was gone. It's all melted in with our powder. Now I said, "This must be a faulty electrode. Let's get another electrode". So we order another electrode, put another 30 grams in there and here's all the tungsten all down in with our powder. We took that out, we did it again. It didn't even make a second. The heat that was being produced was like a thousand times greater than the D.C. arc should have been because the heat was coming out of the material. It was nuclear level energy coming out of the nuclei as we struck the arc on it.
So then we took the material that had all this tungsten in it and we separated the tungsten, had it analyzed, and it doesn't analyze to be the same stuff it used to be. This is 1982. And I said, "you know, it looks to me like there's a nuclear level transition going on here and I don't want any of my employees working around it". And I'll tell you, we just decided the only way you're going to get this is you don't do it with energy, you do it with chemistry. So, we basically went away from the metallurgical processes, these high temperature refractory materials and we went to chemistry, and I describe these elements as female elements. If your wife is late going someplace and she's getting dressed the last thing you want to say is "Honey when are you going to be ready?", or you got another 45 minutes to wait. These elements, we call them female elements, because if you work with them and cooperate with them they give you everything you want, but if try to push them you get nowhere. I hope you don't take that as a sexist remark ladies, I.., it's just the way it is. Okay, next slide.
[1:00:14] Okay, raise it up just a little bit so we can read the bottom. This is Scientific American, October, 1991, [Spin Cycle, p. 26] just to show you this is once again Scientific American, slide it down just a little bit now where we can read the article. We're talking about the spectra of super deformed nuclei. Now they give examples of mercury 192 and mercury 194 which are both radioactive isotopes. And if you didn't know what we know now after seeing these papers, you would assume that this only happens in linear accelerators or nuclear facilities on these single atoms that they make by collision, fissioning a heavier element into these elements. But I just showed you that rhodium 103, palladium 104 and 105, platinum, gold, mercury, osmium, ruthenium, palladium all exist in this state as stable isotopes, non-radioactive isotopes. But some of the things that they're commenting, I think, are very interesting. "Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory have been finding that rapidly spinning nuclei with different masses have similar--if not exactly the same--moments of inertia. 'Something is going on,' said Frank F. Stephens, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley lab, 'and for reasons we don't understand yet.'" At Lawrence Berkeley labs, they're saying we don't understand this, it doesn't make sense that every element in the high-spin state acts identical, like it's the same material. "A spinning nucleus results from an off-center collision between two nuclei that fuse to form a rapidly spinning, elongated body." Well that isn't necessarily so. It results from having a monatomic system. This is the way they do it.
"The deformed nucleus can take the shape of an American football, a doorknob, or possibly even a banana depending on the collision energy in the nuclei. In a typically deformed nucleus the long axis exceeds the two short axis by about a factor of 1.3. Nucleus whose long axis is about twice that of the short axis are called superdeformed." That's what we discussed earlier, the 2 to 1 deformation. "It is in these superdeformed nuclei that curious goings on have taken place. A spinning superdeformed nucleus slows down in discrete steps, each time emitting gamma rays, or highly energetic photons. The emissions produce a characteristic band of energy spikes all spaced equally apart. The surprise: the spectra of some different superdeformed nuclei were almost identical." Okay?
They also go on to talk about Argonne National Laboratories, "Other factors such as the shape of the nuclei should 'make changes that are bigger than what we are observing.'" They're talking about measuring gamma spectra, in other words, what I'm showing this to you is, I want you to understand that this is a very hot topic in the National Laboratories. They're very intrigued and interested in this material. The high-spin nuclei in these superdeformed states. Their problem is they're making them one atom at a time, with this tremendous energy. What they haven't realized is that they're out there in nature, that Mother Nature created them in the belly of the Earth, and that they are here in the monatomic form in nature. They happen to be here in exactly the ratios they're supposed to be here. They happen to be here in exactly the amount that the nuclear physicists will tell you they should be here. They are here.
The reference is Scientific American, in October of 1991. And what they're telling you is they're doing a bunch of things that they can't explain. That's basically what they're saying. There are some things here we just can't explain. Okay? Now these are the best people in the world. And they're saying there's things here we can't explain.
But what you begin to understand is, there's a fellow by the name of Joe Champion down at Texas A & M, some of you are familiar with him. He claims that in his cold fusion work that there are other elements being created. Of course. So what. Big deal. Well he's very excited about it because he doesn't know this is out there. And he's being criticized for it, a lot of people are laughing at him. Well what they don't understand is, when I was working with General Electric doing our fuel cell studies, and we were coming to understand what was going on, we got a copy of Pons and Fleischmann's paper before they announced it to the public. It was sent to GE for their review and this was the electro-chemical catalyst division who works with palladium and so they handed it to me and said, "Dave, look here, what's coming out here?" And Pons and Fleischmann said that when their palladium electrode in this lithium deuterate solution. They're putting it there because of the deuterate, the lithium is what's important though. Lithium is the third element on the Periodic Table. Lithium will dissolve into the palladium just like hydrogen. It's tiny and it goes in between the metal-metal bonds just like hydrogen. And it weakens the s-p bonding and little by little the palladium begins to disaggregate from the other palladium atoms and go to the high-spin state. Okay? What they have reported is that after several days there is this tremendous release of energy, and it's more energy than the amperage that went into the sample. What they haven't figured out is that it is not more energy than the voltage that fed it, and a superconductor feeds on the magnetic field not on the amperage.
As so, literally, when they pull the voltage potential, if there's no amperage flowing, the amperage only puts the lithium into the palladium. That's the only purpose of the amperage is to put the, to electroplate the lithium onto the palladium and cause the metal-metal bonding of the palladium to break and form what Pons and Fleischmann, and this is their scientific technical term, "the white crud on the surface of the palladium". And that white crud is the superconductor. And it literally builds up energy, builds up energy, kind of like you think of a capacitor building up energy, it's flowing more and more light and it's feeding on the magnetic potential. More and more light, more and more light, until it reaches what's called HC2, the greatest amount of magnetic field that superconductor can sustain and at that point it collapses. And just like we were talking about last night, now you have volts. So now you got 150-200 thousand amps and you got volts, and so yes, there is a tremendous heat, but it's not more heat than the voltage potential the sample was subjected to, but only a superconductor feeds on the voltage potential and so they never considered that as an option.
I actually have a paper, a cold fusion article, and nowhere in the article is this mentioned, but in big bold type in the middle of the page it says, "We will find that a material like palladium is going into a state that is much like superconductivity when it causes the cold fusion reaction". And they're figuring this out, they're seeing what I am describing, but they don't understand this yet. Palladium specifically can become superdeformed. Palladium will come apart by just looking at it wrong. So certainly when this flux collapse occurs you're going to get all sorts of elements that shouldn't have been there before. In that Scientific American article it actually tells you the elements you'll get from palladium. Listen!
I'll bet you if Champion looks at the article and then goes back and studies his results, he'll find out exactly what he's getting is what he's supposed to be getting. But it sure sounds like alchemy doesn't it, making elements into other elements? It's interesting to note that the philosophical text . . . over in the Ayurvedic text, I was sent a copy by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who knows of this work, and he had it translated into English and sent it over to me. These are about 2,000 B.C. that this information comes from supposedly, and it says you can take mercury and divide mercury, and divide mercury and divide mercury, until you divide it into it's essence and you actually get a white powder of mercury. And the way you test that mercury to see if it's ready for ingestion, is you heat it in air and if it turns to gold, then it's ready for ingestion. And they knew this 2000 B.C. Did you know that superdeformed mercury, when all of its electrons are paired in the high-spin state, if you heat it in air in 78% Nitrogen, in air, that when you get up to around red heat, that the outside electron pair will annihilate with itself. It actually will withdraw it's screening potential enough that outer pair annihilates, and that electron pair doesn't produce 510,000 electron-volt photons like electron annihilation normally does, it produces a 1 million electron-volt photon that is always absorbed by the binding nucleus.
So here your mercury atom now has a 1 million volt photon that comes flying into the nucleus, in the binding nucleus of the mercury, and that's the energy it takes in a high-spin state to knock off a proton and several neutrons. Coincidentally. Now you have a low spin gold, and it goes right immediately to low spin gold. Now low spin gold, if there's other gold atoms near it will aggregate as a metallic material, and once you got diatomic gold, you got it, you're on your way home now, you got metal. So you could actually take mercury to the high-spin state and the way you check it is heat it in air, and if it goes to gold then don't heat the rest of it, consume it, it's a medicine. And that's something that miners and metallurgists have a real hard time with, they say, "Why don't they want the beautiful yellow valuable metal?" Because the white powder is more valuable, that's why.
And that's the test to see if you got it, and they knew that 2,000 B.C. and we're just now figuring it out now in physics. Isn't that amazing? They claim that the gods taught them this. Okay, next slide.
[1:10:58] Okay, this is a copy of a publication put out by Johnson Matthey. The two major chemical refiners in the world since 1860 has been Johnson Matthey, and then more recently they set up Englehard, it was a dummy company, and if you don't know the history behind it. Johnson Matthey are the refiners for the Crown of England, since 1860 they have been the refiners for the King of England, now the Queen of England. During the world wars, particularly during World War II, the United States government required two bidders on all issuance of contracts, and so Johnson Matthey had to set up a competitor to bid against them, and so Oppenheimer, that's who owns Johnson Matthey, set up Englehard. It has a different Board of Directors but it has the same control share holders. And so now there are two entities, Johnson Matthey and Englehard, but if you ever have a problem with Johnson Matthey, Englehard is brought in to resolve the problem. And if you ever have a problem with Englehard, Johnson Matthey is brought in to resolve the problem. And you're never going to win. Let me tell you, so you don't ever want to go head to head with these people in court.
Anyway, this a publication that's put out quarterly by Johnson Matthey. Johnson Matthey keeps track of what's going on in the world on anything relating to precious metal uses, and they publish these. It's published quarterly in a paper called "The Precious Metal Review" and what I did is, I belong to the International Precious Metal Conference, and I get a copy of this quarterly, or did up until about 1992 when I couldn't afford it anymore so I had to drop out. But in there they have like temperature measurements, they have thermocouples that use precious elements in the thermocouples, and then they have a section on medical uses,. and what I am putting this up for is every issue has about 40 or 50 different articles under medical uses on the use of precious elements in curing cancer. There's Sys-Platinum and Carbono-Platinum that are standard materials being used in the medical community right now for testicular and ovarian cancer.
But they have found that certain salts don't work very well and other salts do work well, and they don't understand why, the people that make these compounds. What it is, it's how good the salt is. How dis-aggregated the metallic bonds are. If it's below that critical cluster size, then the salt will dissolve in the aqueous saline system of the body. If it's above that critical size it doesn't dissolve. I think they're beginning to understand that, based on what I am seeing in the published literature. Anyway, I chose these two particular articles here because they're actually talking about how the platinum corrects the cancer. Now there's hundreds of articles, but they're all different compounds, of ways to solubilize platinum, and keep it soluble in the body. These articles talk about how the platinum cures the cancer.
"The modification of DNA by sys-platinum..", which is the ammonia-platinum compounds, "...has been examined. Anti-tumor active platinum compounds induce in DNA, at low levels of binding, local conformational alterations which have the character of a non-denaturing distortion. These changes in DNA occur due to formation of inter-strand cause links...". Anyway, they give the reasons, but they actually, what they're saying is that it alters the DNA so that imperfection in the DNA that prevents the DNA from communicating with the, and what is it, the... Dr. McDaniels...what is it? No the material that goes out, finds the problem and comes back to the DNA and communicates to it. Messenger RNA? What I was told by John Fagan back at MIU is, what happens is the DNA alters ever so slightly and where the communication has to occur, this messenger RNA cannot communicate with the DNA, because of the alteration in the DNA. And what this does is causes the DNA to relax and to recombine corrected. Now the site is open for the communication to occur and the information about what has to be created to cure the problem now can be communicated from the DNA. It's like a little computer. And you must access those sites.
This also happens to be what happens with AIDS. The affected virions from a milliliter of blood are measuring the DNA that's affected by the virions, and your immune system can't function where that communication has to occur. You correct that alteration in the DNA and now the communication occurs. Your body cures itself. But these elements correct the DNA that allows the body to begin to do what the body can normally do, and that's to take care of itself. Okay, complete different concept than the drug companies use, but this one is a natural system.
What I am telling you, last night, is that over 5%, by dry matter weight, of your brain and nervous tissue, is made up of rhodium and iridium in the high-spin state. And, literally, you have light flowing in your body right now. Literally, you have a light body and you have a physical body, and they're totally independent systems. You have this liquid light, that you can't see the frequencies that it vibrates at, but it's flowing in your body right now, and it corrects the DNA and keeps the DNA corrected and functioning correctly. What happens is when a bunch of it, because you're deficient in these elements or it becomes pinned with the carcinogens, now the light cannot flow in that area. Now curiously enough, you find the aura also collapses in that area, because the aura is the Meissner field of the superconductor. And when the light cannot flow through that area, what you get is, you get resistance, you get heat build up, you get energy build up. It's like a rock in the stream, the water can't flow through the rock now. And now that DNA becomes altered, and it's getting too much energy as heat, and the cells begin to divide way too fast. When you put these elements into the cancer correctly, then the resonance connection can reestablish itself, where that rock used to be, and the rock dissolves away because the light begins to correct the DNA again, and that's the way it cures the cancer.
But it is these elements that do it, and they are naturally in your body. All we're talking about is just adding more of something that's naturally supposed to be there. Even though iridium is 25% heavier than gold, in the monatomic form it's not a heavy metal, it's an element. It has no toxicity whatsoever. Pretty heavy stuff, huh? Next slide.
(Question - What's the volume on that?)
What's that? This one happens to be 1990, Volume 34, 4, page 235. Okay? It's called the Platinum Metals Review. It's put out by Johnson Matthey and you'll either have to contact them or you probably can get it in .... a good science library should have it. 1990, I think.
But you get into this area in Platinum Metals Review, you'll find all sorts of articles. These two I picked for brevity, you know, I could give you 50 pages of platinum metal being used in cancer treatment. But these particular articles talked about specifically how it's treating the cancer, not just doing it, but how it's doing it. And you know, this is specialized research that it's far beyond me to do, I mean I'm the dirt farmer remember, I just go out and dig out this stuff. Other people are doing the work, so you want to criticize it, don't criticize me, criticize them, they're the bad guys, you know, you don't like it, they're the bad guys.
[1:18:57] Title. "Evidence from activation energies for superconducting, tunneling in biological systems at physiological temperatures". Who's doing the work? The Biochemistry Laboratory, U.S. Naval Air Development Facility, good old Uncle Sam. "Superconductivity has been observed. It's responsible for nerve and growth processes. The square of the activation energy is a function". . . anyway . . . "single electron tunneling between micro regions of superconductivity". They know that superconductivity is in our body. They know it's going on right now, they just don't know what's doing it. Because whatever it's doing it is like a stealth atom, it can't be analyzed, it can't be detected. No joke. Okay, next paper.
Source? "Physiological Chemistry and Physics, III, 1971". Next paper. You're all welcome to go look these up, read the whole paper if you like. It's the concept I'm interested in today.
[1:20:12] "Volume 85A, Number 6 & 7, Physics Letters, the 12th of October, 1981". "Non-linear properties of coherent electric vibrations in living cells". It's performed by the Institute of Physical Sciences, University Degli Studi, who knows what that is? In Milan, Italy, July, 1981. Anyway, what they're describing here is the resonance couple, it is a superconducting phenomena and I don't think on this page they use the word "superconductivity", but they're talking about Bose light condensation occurs in particular areas, they're referring to superconductivity, the papers say it on subsequent pages.
[1:20:55] Okay, next page. Title again, is "Non-linear properties of coherent electric vibrations in living cells". That's a mouthful isn't it? Typical scientific terminology. Next paper.
[1:21:15] "Magnetic flux quantization and Josephson behavior in living systems". Now, what they're talking about here is the Josephson junction, and that's a superconducting switch. Basically when you understand these are monatoms, resonance coupled, but if the magnetic field applied is great enough to break that resonance coupling then it stops the superconductivity, and that's called a Josephson junction. They gave a Nobel Prize to Brian Josephson for discovering that. But it's actually enough external magnetic field and instead of flowing more current it actually cuts between the superconductors, and because these are monatomic resonance coupled systems, any external field that breaks that resonance coupling stops the superconductivity. And they have found, in evaluating the superconductivity in living systems, that in fact, if you apply too much magnetic field it stops it. And that number is somewhere around 8-10 gauss. So, people who are working with these high magnets and all, it's too much magnetic field. If you're around power lines, it's too much magnetic field. Tremendous implications here if you really start thinking about the economics of it, what's involved and basically they have found superconductivity and they found that it acts like Josephson junctions and "its coherent excitation in the biological systems have already been proposed", and they go on to discuss their findings. And "the Josephson effects are seen, an anomalous, non-Ohmic current", in other words it has no voltage, there's no voltage at all, it's just pure amperage, and anyway, they said it's identical to the Josephson junction effect. Okay, next paper. This article is "Physica Scripta, Volume 40, 1989, pages 786-791".
This is, "Biological sensitivity to weak magnetic fields due to biologically superconducting Josephson junctions". Good old big brother, Biological Laboratories, U.S. Naval Air Development Center in Westminster, Pennsylvania, and this one, they actually, at the very introduction here, in the summary, it says, "Various species of organisms can detect weak magnetic fields of .1 to 5 gauss", and that is in fact the field that this responds to. I'll tell you a very interesting phenomena, when we make this white powder under controlled atmosphere and it's sitting there in a sealed tube, you can run your hand about 6 inches under the tube and the material flies around, in response to your hand 6 inches away, through the quartz tube. But if you take a magnet and put it under it nothing happens. But if you put your hand back under it, it flies around again.
And because superconductivity is flowing hundreds of thousands of amps in response to the tiniest magnetic field, but when you get up to too big a magnetic field, it all stops. So it's like you step on it and it quits moving, but you let your foot off, it starts going again. It's alive. Is everybody following this? Are we all pretty close on this? Okay. Huh? Say it again? (audience question) Oh, when we make it to the monatomic state we hydrogen reduce it, we oxidize it, hydrogen reduce it and then we anneal away the hydrogen. In the annealing with the hydrogen it goes snow white. When it's in that snow white state, under an inert gas atmosphere and we cool it down, you can actually take your hand and run it about 6 inches under the tube, you know a long distance away from it, and the material flies around inside the tube. And yet if you take a magnet and run it 6 inches under the tube, nothing happens. And yet you put the magnet down and put your hand back and it flies around again. And what it is, it's the subtle magnetic field of your hand which your body, I don't know what..., does anybody know what the magnetic field of the body is about 6 inches away? Anybody in Kirlian photography or anything has ever read about that? Anyway, you are talking about very subtle fields, very tiny fields, but those tiny fields cause dramatic current flow, enough to levitate the material. Now you think about how much amperage has to be flowing in the sample to cause it to levitate? How much current has to fly down, flow down that wire before the wire literally suspends and has no weight? You know, it's got to be a tremendous amount of amperage. The books say about 150,000 to 200,000 amps/square foot, but no volts!
So you can actually touch the stuff, feel the stuff, there's no sparks, there's no tingle, no tickle, but tremendous current flowing. Okay? Next one?
This is the Biochemistry Laboratory, U.S. Naval, it's published in Physiological Chemistry and Physics, 1973, it's Physics V, it says 1973. Anyway, I'm just bringing some examples of it in here to show you that the phenomena is not "Dave's dream state, he's getting this information", that in fact the U.S. government is working in this area. That these materials are in your body, they're in your body naturally, their role is to keep your DNA corrected, they are very important to your function, naturally in your body, and nobody knows they're there. And probably one of the highest sources, natural sources of rhodium and iridium, is Aloe Vera. And one of the people who are concentrating on this particular material is this Emprise Corporation. And I don't own any of Emprise, I don't have any stock in Emprise, I don't make any money on Emprise, I'm just telling you that of the natural sources this is one of the best sources. There is a product called "injectable Acemannan", the original injectable Acemannan, that has been analyzed by us and we found that it's 90% rhodium. 90% rhodium. They tell you it's, what, glucopolysaccharide? Is that right? Well, I'm telling you it's not. I'm contradicting them there, you know, they can sue me, they can do anything they want, but it does cure diseases and illness. Any disease that originates in the DNA it has the potential to correct. That's what you have to understand.
They don't have all of the answers and we don't have all the answers yet. How much, how it should be administered, what dosages, how much you can stand, but it does correct the DNA. And you know, it's in Essiac Tea, it's in the sheep sorrel and slippery elm bark, it's, rhodium is in carrot juice, carrots that are raised in the southwestern United States, Texas, excellent source of rhodium, but the Aloe Vera is one of the highest concentrations and particularly the products being made by them, are excellent folks.
And you know, he picked me up at the airport, wanted to talk to me about it, I ... he's trying to convince me of something I totally accept already, I know it's good, it has to be good, it has the stuff in it. You know, that's why it works. And so, because I can't treat cancer, I'm not a doctor, I send you to them. This is where you should be going and you should be taking it in mega-doses. I have not found any toxicity even in mega levels, so if you got somebody who's really sick that's probably their best chance of recovery is the high amounts of rhodium. Iridium seems to be the metronome. Iridium seems to play a role of regulating the biological activity in the body. It seems to... if you take high amounts of iridium your biology speeds up about 40 to 45 percent.
Now, most people don't understand, they say, "I don't want to get old faster". No, life is the reverse of linear time. Linear time is like a river going downstream and you are like a boat on the river rowing upstream. When you are a young child and a teenager, you're rowing like mad and you're really going up the stream, as you get to be an adult you're lucky to hold your own, and as you get older, even though you're rowing, you're not rowing fast enough and you now are getting downstream where the water is slow. We're speeding up your metabolism with iridium. Iridium is like the Elixir of Life. Iridium is what makes your metabolism run faster, which in turn allows your cells to be corrected and to divide faster. Unfortunately iridium does speed up cancer growth also, and so you don't want the iridium if you are fighting cancer. You want the rhodium for cancer. Iridium is more for the healthy person who then has the cancer under control and then is looking for the Elixir of Life. Iridium works just like gold. Both of them seem to effect the, what's called by the acupuncturists, the meridian system. Over 80% of the rhodium passes directly into the urine and out each day. The iridium doesn't, the iridium seems to be absorbed into what they call the meridian system, for what that's worth. (question) Yes it is.
That will be in what they call their "Man Aloe" product, it has rhodium and iridium. Emprise Corporation and the parent company is Carrington Laboratories. If you want to talk to somebody, Dr. McDaniels is over here, an MD, who's very knowledgeable about the material. He's one of their top researchers over there. Anyway, I don't want to get commercial on this so let's go on. Just about time for a break. I don't recommend many books, but this is one I strongly recommend for people, and this is not so technical that everybody can't read it and understand it. Danah Zohar, and that really is her name, Zohar, Danah Zohar has a Master's degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in psychology, real unusual combination here, but ... next slide. It's called "The Quantum Self" [Quantum Self : Human Nature and Consciousness Defined by the New Physics by Danah Zohar Published by Quill Publication date: May 1, 1991, ISBN: 0688107362] and Dana Zohar, you know, this is about her, anyway, go to the next slide.
This is the credentials, you're not supposed to use their work unless you cite where it's from, so I give her credit. Danah Zohar writes very clearly and very accurately. This is chapter 15, "The Quantum Vacuum and the God Within", as you can see we're kind of wrapping up our science and we're getting ready to go over into philosophy. It is my opinion, you got to have this science, you can't build a house on a weak foundation. You got to have the science, friend. But I don't want you to believe this when you leave this room; I want you to know it. Okay there's a difference between belief and knowing. Anyway, she writes very clearly, she's talking about the quantum vacuum and the god within. I think that's very interesting, the god, when you meet your god, when you have your garment of glory on and you come face to face with your god, he will be within the vacuum energy. That is the energy where it all began, where all matter that we know in this universe came from, is the vacuum where the zero point energy, the scalar energy, there's all sorts of names for it, but it is that underlying vibration that contains immense amounts of energy. And it's everywhere in the universe, timeless, all, every nucleus runs on it, every electron runs on it, and that's where you will meet your god.
(audience talking & questions) It's in current publication, you can get it at your bookstore or order it in. (more audience talking) Ah, William Morrow, Inc., New York. Okay? Anyway, I've got several pages of hers and there's just excepts that I want to read to you that she talks about. I've got a gentleman here doing our paperwork, that's really concerned about keeping everything in order and trying to do a very neat job. "It has been the argument of this book that quantum physics allied to a quantum mechanical model of consciousness gives us an entirely different perspective. That is a perspective from which we can see our selves and purposes fully as part of the universe and from which we might come to understand the meaning of human existence. To understand why we, conscious human beings are here in this material existence at all, the material universe at all". Okay, next page.
Okay, Frhlich style Bose-Einstein condensate in the brain. This is the "boson". You know, Bose-Einstein, they call it bosonic physics. In the brain. "A coherent ordering of some bosons, photons or virtual photons present in neural tissue, or neuron cell walls. This quantum coherence makes possible the orchestrated firing of some or all of the 10 to the 11th neurons in the human brain and the integration of information to which their firing gives rise. Thus giving us the unity of consciousness and ultimately the sense of self and world. Without the ordered Bose-Einstein orchestration of photons or other boson there would be no sense of self and world, but equally without the material components of the neural tissue there would be no Bose-Einstein condensate. The two, quantum coherence and ground state of consciousness, and neural tissue matter in relationship to each other give the brain it's conscious functioning capacity. This capacity is linked to all the neural networks that process data from the environment. So at the level of consciousness found in ourselves and higher animals the creative dialogue between matter and consciousness..." Remember the boson being the consciousness, "...is obvious and crucial. Neither is reducible to the other and yet neither can function without the other. Equally and at a more basic level, this same ordered quantum coherence is thought to be present in all biological tissue right down to the level of the DNA itself. As we have seen it is linked inseparably to the essential creativity of life".
Now, in simplistic terms we are back to talking about the very same things that, 3000 B.C., that the Egyptians were talking about. A light body and a physical body. They can't be separated from each other and yet the two need each other to function as we are now. The physical body cannot effect the light body but the light body can effect the physical body. The light body is actually what keeps the physical body corrected, so it doesn't become a rock, it becomes a living thing, and that's what corrects it. And you actually have two aspects to you. You have your physical body and you have your light body, and the light body is what is in resonance coupling with the zero point or vacuum energy all the time. Okay, it's like a radio frequency receiver that is literally resonating or quivering with that vacuum energy, each atom quivering with that energy and literally bringing that energy into our three dimensional existence. Okay, it manifests it up into us. So literally god, this infinite energy that's at the zero point, we can't tap that energy. We can't access that energy as our three dimensional being, because we can never look into the vacuum.
But if we could shrink ourselves down, if we could shrink ourselves down to the world of the atom, if we could literally get inside of an atom, if it were possible in the world of the quanta, time goes forward and time goes reverse. Everything is reversible, but in our macro-three dimensional body time is not reversible. A superconductor, the physics of a superconductor is billions and billions and billions of atoms all in perfect harmony, perfect lockstep, all acting like one big macro-atom. That's why physicists are so interested in superconductors, because when they understand the superconductor they will understand the atom, because the physics are the same. But literally you can build a vessel, a vehicle, out of a superconductor, you can climb inside that vessel, and when you energize the superconductor, you may be there but you are not in this world anymore. You have created your own space-time.
A superconductor's Meissner field excludes all external magnetic fields including gravity. So you have created your own space-time. Or in philosophical terms you are in this world, but you're not of this world. And when that occurs you have created your own space-time and you can move in space-time. You are not locked into space-time. And even better yet than that, that's an electromagnetic propulsion system, but better than that, when you become the perfect superconductor, when you become the atom.... ah, Adam, coincidental?... when you become the atom, you literally become timeless. There is no time forward as we know time. When you put on your Rainbow Garment, your Garment of Glory, your whatever you want to call it, that perfect Meissner field around your body, you become like an angel. You become timeless. You're in this world but you're not of this world. "Don't touch me, I don't have on my earthly garments". Where have we heard that before? Next page.
Just a few more things that I would like to read to you. From the same book. "It has the same physics and through this physics we can trace our consciousness back to something that we share in some very primitive sense with any living thing and at each level where there is ordered quantum coherence; there is a creative give and take between that coherence and its material surroundings. But the interesting question is whether life itself has any antecedent. Is the living world just a random offshoot of brute universe processes that are themselves wholly alien to life or is there some early ancestor of the physics that becomes the physics of life. Can we trace or consciousness ancestry back to the non-living world? I have argued earlier in chapter 7 that ultimately we can trace our consciousness back to it's roots in the special kind of relationship that exist wherever two bosons meet. To their propensity to bind together, to overlap and to share an identity". That has to be unique to bosons. "Behaving as one large boson. Millions of bosons overlap and share an identity behaving as one large boson, but in it's primitive form, it is there whenever two bosons meet. Physicists working with photons call it the photon-bunching effect". In other words they tend to socialize. Next paper.
Sounds kind of philosophical doesn't it? "Bosons are essentially particles in relationship. They are the fundamental building blocks of all nature's forces, the strong and the weak, nuclear, the electromagnetic and the gravitational. They are the most primary antecedents of consciousness, but they also bind together in the material world. The fundamental building blocks of the material world itself are fermions, for instance, electrons and protons, that those anti-social particles that prefer to keep to themselves". Okay, next paper. As you can see, she writes very clearly, she's very readable, and yet she's very accurate in her science. I strongly recommend her. She does understand this and has a very good concept.
".. is that one of the fields within the vacuum is thought to be a coherent Bose-Einstein condensate, that it is a condensate and the same physics as the ground state of human consciousness". That is correct. "Further excitations or fluctuations as of coherent vacuum condensate appear to have the same mathematics as the excitations of our own Frhlich style Bose-Einstein condensate". In other words, these atoms, these single atoms in our body are resonating with the god force of the vacuum. Okay slide it on over. "With our physics of consciousness which mirrors the physics of the coherent vacuum as conceived in the image of god or as partners in god's creation. Like the ground state of human consciousness which is coherent but in itself uninteresting without features, the coherent quantum vacuum contains within itself all potentialities. It can realize that potentiality, however, only through the fluctuations within itself. Excitations that lead to the birth of particles and their relationships. In ourselves these excitations give birth to thought. In religious terms this splitting off might be equated with alienation of the Fall. Such a Fall is the prerequisite of all creation or knowledge, but it means leaving the Eden of total fusion or total Oneness with the Light.
"It is possible to speculate that at each stage of his evolution this process would itself be in dialogue with the vacuum which we might call God". Which is why she says "Quantum Vacuum and the God Within". "...leading to further fluctuations within it. Mystical experiences are sometimes described as though they might be mirroring such a dialogue". Anyway she does this little drawing right here. The Fall... individuality... grace... grace..... drives towards greater coherence .... relationship ... people of Israel ... body of Christ ... quantum processes and redemption back to unity with God. So here is a masters physicist, but she has to be a psychologist, so she has both hats to wear at the same time. I think she does a very good job and I strongly recommend her writings to you. Okay.
(audience question) Yeah. Oh yes I did. We talked about the Bose-Einstein condensate, the boson. See there's fermion physics and there's bosonic physics. Fermions are electrons that occupy certain space-time. When one electron spin 1/2 pairs with another electron spin 1/2, then it becomes a spin 1 boson. Okay, so when these electrons are screened by the high-spin nucleus all the electrons become paired as Cooper pairs or as light. There is no more particle aspect, it's pure light. So really we have a nucleus, but instead of having electrons around it now it has nothing but bundles of light around it. New world. Next slide.
Now I just simply throw this in. "When you understand that a Cooper pair is actually two waves perfectly equal and opposite". Now this is very important to understand. That two waves equal and opposite create a null. Now you cannot measure two waves equal and opposite because their effects are canceled. So in our three dimensional existence you don't have anything that deflects anymore, a meter or a gauge or anything, it's a null. But do not ever believe that this is nothing. The two waves are still there, and this is a nothing that is everything. Now once again we'll repeat this. Two waves equal and opposite, the electron and the positron, the mirror image, are perfectly in harmonic, and they go like this, they're two waves equal and opposite. Or as this man puts it, this is Dan Winters, it looks just like this. Okay? When these two waves cancel, and you can see he does a real nice job, he shows them a little jerky here. That the wave actually has a width to it. And so when these waves appear to cancel what they really produce is a residuum wave that can be measured, and that is the Planckian frequency. Coincidentally, the vacuum energy. That is it and it only is produced with two waves. It doesn't make any difference what length those waves are as long as they're equal and opposite. When these two waves cancel they literally leave a residuum vibration that is very tiny and very short and that is the Planckian frequency. Next slide.
And I just saw this. Dan Winters does such a good job of depicting it that I said, oh hell, I'll just use his slides. It just so happens that Dan Winters said that the nucleus or the DNA interacts with this frequency. So people in music and all this that play all this beautiful music, they say it calms the soul, it does all these things, they say, "Dave, would music effect the DNA itself?" I don't believe so because, I think, that what you're trying to effect is in fact a null, and that frequency that you're trying to generate is in fact a frequency so short that even our nuclear physicists can't produce the Planck frequency. But that frequency in fact is where everything is and that frequency just happens to interact with the DNA in the cell. It is the God-Force or the Creative Vibration or the energy that is everywhere timeless in the universe and that's what the electro-magnetic null produces. So what frequency is it? It's not important. It's two waves equal and opposite, that's what's important. (audience question) It's actually Dan Winter's book, it's a big thick book, but I don't remember the title of it. It's Dan Winter's book and that's what it's in. Anyway, next slide.
And here he says, he's showing the cell again, the inter-reaction of the zero point energy which he shows depicted as the center or literally that the vibrations actually go to null, to nothing and that's the center. And that's the frequency inter-reaction of the DNA. That's one way of picturing it and so I'm using his slide, but that happens to be the frequency that does interact with the DNA, and his terminology here is, lightning-spun up-primal soup- all lightning is unipolar because of the consistent orgone electro-negative. Well he's talking about this as orgone energy. That I don't know if I ascribe to, I don't know if I like his terminology here, but his concept of the electro-magnetic zero point is accurate. I'm not telling you that I believe everything that Dan Winter's writes, I'm telling you that this particular part of it is accurate. Next slide. Okay, next slide.
Okay there is a man by the name of Max Planck. You all remember Max Planck? About the turn of the century, 1906, he came with a little thing called little "h" that you have to put in all your wave computations because if you don't it isn't accurate. That's Planck's frequency. When Max Planck died he still couldn't tell us why you have to use Planck's constant. He just knew that that was the number it took to balance the equation, if you didn't use it, it didn't work. But he came up with this phenomena called the quanta. Well what caused him to come up with this is he encountered this phenomena I've got pictured up here. As you come across the electro-magnetic spectrum from the tower waves, radio waves, microwaves, when you approach the ultra-violet, you find that this energy right here, and he actually has this backwards according with how it's depicted today, as you come from these long wavelengths going to short wavelengths in this direction, that literally this is called black body radiation. This is the energy that emits from a perfectly absorbing black body. Okay and it builds and collapses and then the solar energy light spectrum is over on the left side and it collapses, and the two don't come together, and he was really disturbed of why don't these two peaks just run together like this. Why do they come up and just collapse? And what he was encountering is the electro-magnetic zero point. This is what I'm telling you. And I'm telling you the same thing he was telling you except I'm telling it to you with a different perspective.
It was just to the... if you go on a electro-magnetic charge, you go from 100 electron-volts to 10 electron-volts to 1 electron-volts, and then you can't go any further than that. Because in the real world there's 2.3 children in the average household in America. Show me the .3 child, I'd like to see him. There is no .3 child. On a macro scale there's 2.3 but on an individual family no family has .3. They have 2 or they have 3, but there's no .3. In the real world there's one positive electron and there's one negative electron, but there's nothing less than one. And so as you come 100, 10, 1, you can't go to .5 or .1 or .001 electro-volts because there's no such thing in the real world. Now you can put anything on a chart, but in the real world at 1 it all ends. There's plus one and there's minus one. And what I want to know is where's the zero point, and it's between plus one and minus one. That's really easy to figure out. And so if you come down here from 100 to 10 to 1, then you have to turn around and go back plus 1, or minus 1, actually it's minus 1, minus 10, minus 100 and it goes back. Now if you pick up the electro-magnetic spectrum and you look at it you'll find absorption spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy all on the same chart. But they're not exactly the same, they're slightly offset because it's a logarithmic chart and where this turns around and goes back is where the electro-magnetic zero point is and it just happens to be dead center where these two won't reconcile. Next slide. And in fact what happens is as this turns around you get something that looks about like this. You get a singularity. It's where it literally turns around and starts to come back and at the point where it perfectly turns there's actually a singularity. Because in reality it literally turns and runs off in another dimension and then comes out of that dimension and continues on. The two miss each other by Planck's frequency, they don't touch. That's the width of the frequency. And that's what it looks like, that's literally coming up and turning and running down into another dimension and coming out of that dimension and continuing on. It's where another dimension intersects. It's where time intersects the electro-magnetic spectrum and it intersects at the electro-magnetic zero point.
Where do you find that? You find it at the area where matter exists, you find it at the temperatures where you exist. To the right is the ionization spectrum, to the left is the ultra . . . . is the microwave, but it's in this spectrum, in the middle, where the zero point is. And that's what you'll find out is that God, or the electro-magnetic zero point is within you. That's where it is. It's within all life. It's what is life. It's what makes up life. It's what makes up matter. All physicists are looking for that singularity. They're trying to crunch waves tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter together until they literally. . . ., and they're going way out past deep gamma trying to crunch those waves together and get them where they stack on top of themselves. But the amazing thing is at the electro-magnetic zero point they literally turn and run off, and relative to you they stack on top of themselves. It's inherent in the system that this singularity occurs at the electro-magnetic zero point. And all physicists are looking for the creation way out in deep gamma and right back here at null, it's where it all came from. It's the primal soup. It's where particles are born out of that vacuum energy every day. Electrons disappear into it and reappear out of it continually. It is the creative force. It's where it all came from. And if you get yourself shrunk down where you could climb inside that dark slit right there, where literally matter, the wave, no matter how long it is, it's running away from you so it's stacking on top of itself relative to you, if you could get inside of there, you would be one with God.
And the way to do that is you must put on your Garment of Glory. You must put on your Meissner field and what that Meissner field does is it shifts you over into that. It's like taking this and just pulling it down over your self. And from that point you see all things, you understand all things and you become timeless. It's science. Okay? That's about the end, let's take a break, stretch your legs, walk around a little bit and be back in like 15 or 20 minutes.
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