Gold Orme/ Exotic Matter

Provided by Barry C. Bowser
90 Waverly Dr, LL209
Frederick, Maryland,  21702

Gold Orme bearing sheets of gold pyrite have been found in a choice gold mine area in Maryland which is related to the gold-pyrite belt in Virginia.

Gold Orme bearing sheet minerals can be ordered for $10.00 per sheet.

The material has the appearance of gold itself, and offers a wide series of features.

Add $3.95 for shipping and handling charges.

I also have found silver, copper and nickel ORMEs.

Patent Applications: US (incomplete)   Australian

Periodic Chart of the known and Suspected Monatomic Elements

Lectures by David Hudson Text File, Discovery, White Powder Gold, Workshop 1, Workshop 2, Questions and Answers

High Spin Monatomic Research Website

Alternative use for g-Orme is in a Hydronautical Antigravity Engine which uses the Seike circuit geometry, and a Pocket sized Teleportation Cell, but the actual plans for both may or may not come from reputed "beings" from other worlds (or maybe they are delusions).  Both machines use the Sun-Son (pronounced "San", Petersen in "Return of the Elders") energy principle which is outlined in the Hopi rock carving prophecy I and prophecy II.

Another alternative use for g-Orme/transparent gold is in a little known but powerful device mentioned in the Bible and the Book of Mormon known as a "Urim and Thummim", which is actually a mind operated Hydronautic Encryption/Decryption Communication Circuit.

A Simple form of the Sun-San energy field is the "Falun" which is taught by the practice known as Falun Gong.

It has been a long standing tradition of the Native American Indians to view the Star People and races from other earths and their presence as a Reality.

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